Inquiry Sunday at the Centre

  Inquiry Sunday October 2, 2016   The Inquiry Sunday is comprised of a morning and an afternoon session. Seven people attended the morning showing of the film The Holographic Universe, which describes the latest findings of quantum physics in relation to the question of how reality is perceived and understood by the human brain. Many of the ideas are difficult to fully grasp as they are so contrary to all we have been taught, but examining the concepts presented certainly seemed to open our minds to new possibilities in the way we look at our experience. There can be a kind of deconstruction of our conditioned beliefs about the self and the world. It was definitely an interesting and even challenging exposure to ideas which question and transcend our conventional thinking. For the afternoon session we had the pleasure of listening to a short reading of a paper by a professor from the University of the Philippines in Manilla. Arturo was a visitor at the Centre for several weeks and had been joining in with the Center programs while he was here. On this occasion, he opened the meeting with a paper on the essence of Krishnamurti’s teachings, including the “deconstruction” of the self and of our use of words and language. It was a helpful entry point into our group discussion and the dialogue was found very useful and enjoyable by the six people attending. We were able to sit outdoors and be inspired by the lovely property in our experience of inquiry.