Krishnamurti Study Group

  Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, September 17, 2016   Seven people met on a lovely day which enabled us to sit outside and enjoy the beautiful natural setting of the Centre. We read and discussed the first part of Chapter 19 in The First and Last Freedom by J. Krishnamurti. The subject of the chapter is “Self-Centred Activity. Being aware that self-centred activity is detrimental to our well-being and the health of society, K challenges is to respond adequately to its presence. “All such activity must voluntarily come to an end,” he says.The group dialogue inquired into the possibility of this cessation coming about and the impediments to such a happening. Can thought do anything about it, or is awareness of the mechanisms of self-centred functioning the only thing that can bring about a real change? Who will create a change? The discussion took place within an atmosphere of non-judgmental questioning and sharing, and it was felt that we came upon a real harmony within the group. It was a valuable experience of shared meaning and exploration.