Exploring the Teachings of Krishnamurti
Weekend Retreat at KECC
With Prof. P. Krishna and Dr. David Moody
May 24 – 26, 2019
This weekend retreat was presented in an unusual and interesting format. P. Krishna and David Moody, two figures well known in Krishnamurti circles, coordinated a series of explorations into aspects of K’s teachings that can appear contradictory or confusing. There were eighteen participants, including the two facilitators and KECC staff, along with three guest helpers who dropped in to the sessions from time to time over the weekend.
The general format was that Dr. Moody would introduce a particular issue in the teachings with his view on why it could create difficulty for a student. Krishna would then respond to the issues from his understanding of K and from his own self-inquiry. Moody had a skillful manner of presenting the possible contradictions or difficulties which clearly elucidated the “problems” involved in having clear insight or understanding. Krishna responded always with a great clarity of understanding, while at the same time allowing that his understanding might be limited. Ultimately, he pointed out, we must all do our own self-inquiry and come to our own insights. After the two facilitators had engaged in their dialogue the floor was open for the rest of the participants to ask questions and offer insights. Questions looking into were “What is meant by freedom from conditioning?”, “Can there be relationship without conflict?”, “Does inner transformation not involve time?”, “What is meditation with no method or system?”, “Does disorder in consciousness arise from illusions?”, “Is psychological “becoming” an illusion?”, and “What is meant by “the observer is the observed”?” There were also questions from the participants, such as “Can thought be aware of itself, or is awareness aware of thought?”
The explorations guided by Krishna and Moody were reported to be very helpful to the participants, shedding light on some perhaps challenging elements of the teachings. There was time for walks on the lovely property and for informal discussion in the group, which was apparently greatly enjoyed. Delicious meals were provided by Glenrosa Restaurant. The weekend experience was very much appreciated and
valued by the participants. The sessions were recorded and, if the quality is adequate, will be posted on youtube for public viewing.