Are You Aware?

Are You Aware?


In this video Rupert notes that spiritual awakening is not an extraordinary experience nor an exotic practice. Every single human being on the planet lives in awareness every day. Discovering this does not require extensive meditational practices or devotions. If you ask any person on earth the simple question—‘Are you aware?’, they will say “yes” because they experience being aware. To answer this question a responder has to go to the actual experience of awareness to get the answer. This experience is the portal to spiritual awakening which we all have access to. The secret is to abide in awareness knowingly. Krishnamurti implied the same idea when he coined the phrase, the observer is the observed.



Being Aware of Being Aware

Being Aware of Being Aware


In the video clip this morning, Rupert made it clear that searching for peace and happiness in the external world is futile. In fact, he said that such a search is the separate self. Rupert advocates a direct path to happiness without effort. He tells us to relax and fall back into our own Being which is where happiness and peace actually reside. Like Rumi, he tells us to fall back, fall back into the silence of our own Nature which is infinite awareness. Krishnamurti said the same thing when he uttered the words, the secret is total awareness with no effort.



Is There a Wholly Different Way of Living?

Is There a Wholly Different Way of Living?
Talk and Dialogue with Mukesh Gupta
June 30, 2019, at KECC

This Sunday afternoon talk and dialogue was offered by Mukesh Gupta as an addition to the six-day retreat just completed on June 27. Twenty people in total were in attendance in the main house at the Krishnamurti Centre in Metchosin. Mukesh began with some slides illustrating the evolution of the cosmos, our galaxy, and homo sapiens, concluding with a look at the present state of the world and the obvious need for a change in human behaviour. He then related this need to the teachings of J. Krishnamurti and the importance of self-knowledge and self-inquiry. Can thought solve our problems, or is there another tool needed to meet the challenges, many of which are actually created by thought? Mukesh explored the nature of human fear and the resulting conflict and suffering, suggesting that “awareness” is what is necessary. The intelligence awakened by sustained self-observation can put everything in our lives in its proper place and create spontaneous order. After some forty minutes of clearly presenting our situation, he then opened the floor to group dialogue or inquiry. Some of those present clearly found the talk and discussion very interesting and relevant and gave their own input to the circle.
After two hours of engaged exploration, the session was brought to a close and it was announced that Mukesh would be returning next year at the same time to offer another retreat along similar lines to this year’s. We very much look forward to his return.

Relationship as the Ground for Transformation, June 21 – 27, 2019 at KECC

Relationship as the Ground for Transformation
Retreat at KECC with Mukesh Gupta
June 21 – 27, 2019

Mukesh Gupta is the director of the Rajghat Krishnamurti Adult Education Centre in Varanasi, India. He came to the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada for the first time to present a six day retreat with the option of two or four days. In total there were sixteen of us in attendance for the weekend and twelve for the full six days. Mukesh offered a mixture of silent meditations, short talks on the subject of self-inquiry and self-observation, exercises in pairs designed to assist looking and listening, group discussion of relevant topics, along with walks in nature and time for individual contemplation as well as one Krishnamurti talk each day on video. The type of questions addressed looked at the nature of thought, its limitations, and what is the energy beyond thought and “ego”. Mukesh was very skillful in focusing attention on real questions and bringing the attention of the group to an experiential exploration of the possibility of ending the activity of thought which prevents living with love and compassion. He presented the essence of Krishnamurti’s teachings in a way that opened the understanding of the participants and supported deep questioning and insight. The feedback from the group was very positive.
Delicious food was provided by Glenrosa Restaurant and Toque Catering. Mukesh will be returning at the same time next year to continue with the exploration, and we look forward to being with him again.

Krishnamurti Study Session, June 16, 2019

Krishnamurti Study Session
June 16, 2019

This Sunday morning meeting was attended by three of the more regular participants. The intention was to start with a selection from The Book of Life by J. Krishnamurti, the January 19 entry, and to see how we moved forward from there. As sometimes happens, a conversation indirectly related to the text material began spontaneously and unfolded in its own way to become very interesting. In looking at the nature of the self and the process of self-discovery, with reference to what Krishnamurti says about it, we seemed to go into a shared state that was beyond duality and division. In positive terms there was a sense of unity and clarity of perception which was acknowledged by each of us. It seems that as we continue to explore ourselves such states of consciousness become more readily available and significant, along with a palpable sense of freedom and wholeness.

Exploring Awareness at KECC, June 2, 2019

Exploring Awareness
Sunday, June 2, 2019

Just three people were in attendance for this Sunday afternoon meeting. We began by listening to a talk by Adyashanti entitled “A Taste of Pure Presence”, wherein Adya pointed in a number of ways to the aware presence that, once recognized, is always present in every experience and prior to, during, and after the arising and passing of all thought and sensation. It is the awareness that receives the input of all the senses, the field of knowing which is our very nature. His clear pointing to this core awareness was integrated with a short silent sit with some verbal guidance, followed by a twenty-minute walk on the lovely property. We then returned to discuss our experiences and insights. The session was much appreciated by those participating.

Krishnamurti Study Session, June 2, 2019

Krishnamurti Study Session
Sunday, June 2, 2019

Ten participants gathered for this Sunday morning exploration of the J. Krishnamurti text The Book of Life. Our first reading was the January 16 meditation entitled “Virtue Has No Authority”, which was discussed in some depth. We questioned what K means by “virtue”, “order”, and “psychological authority”, amongst other terms, and what he is pointing to when he says humility, love, and virtue cannot be cultivated. The necessity to observe ourselves in a non-judgemental way, with “tenderness” and care, was emphasized in the dialogue and we went into some detail about the observation without an observer.
There was time to move on to the January 17 and 18 entries: “The Old Mind in Bound by Authority” and “Free at the Beginning”, which also provided fertile ground for inquiry. There is a freedom at the very beginning when we enter the learning mind which looks and listens to all that arises in consciousness and is open to receiving insight. It was a lively and creative investigation of some core issues in Krishnamurti’s teachings.

Exploring the Teachings of Krishnamurti Weekend Retreat at KECC, May 24 -26, 2019

Exploring the Teachings of Krishnamurti
Weekend Retreat at KECC
With Prof. P. Krishna and Dr. David Moody
May 24 – 26, 2019

This weekend retreat was presented in an unusual and interesting format. P. Krishna and David Moody, two figures well known in Krishnamurti circles, coordinated a series of explorations into aspects of K’s teachings that can appear contradictory or confusing. There were eighteen participants, including the two facilitators and KECC staff, along with three guest helpers who dropped in to the sessions from time to time over the weekend.
The general format was that Dr. Moody would introduce a particular issue in the teachings with his view on why it could create difficulty for a student. Krishna would then respond to the issues from his understanding of K and from his own self-inquiry. Moody had a skillful manner of presenting the possible contradictions or difficulties which clearly elucidated the “problems” involved in having clear insight or understanding. Krishna responded always with a great clarity of understanding, while at the same time allowing that his understanding might be limited. Ultimately, he pointed out, we must all do our own self-inquiry and come to our own insights. After the two facilitators had engaged in their dialogue the floor was open for the rest of the participants to ask questions and offer insights. Questions looking into were “What is meant by freedom from conditioning?”, “Can there be relationship without conflict?”, “Does inner transformation not involve time?”, “What is meditation with no method or system?”, “Does disorder in consciousness arise from illusions?”, “Is psychological “becoming” an illusion?”, and “What is meant by “the observer is the observed”?” There were also questions from the participants, such as “Can thought be aware of itself, or is awareness aware of thought?”
The explorations guided by Krishna and Moody were reported to be very helpful to the participants, shedding light on some perhaps challenging elements of the teachings. There was time for walks on the lovely property and for informal discussion in the group, which was apparently greatly enjoyed. Delicious meals were provided by Glenrosa Restaurant. The weekend experience was very much appreciated and
valued by the participants. The sessions were recorded and, if the quality is adequate, will be posted on youtube for public viewing.

Fiftieth Annual Gathering at KFA May 4-5, 2019

The Fiftieth Anniversary May Gathering of the Krishnamurti Foundation of America in Ojai, California
May 4,5 2019

An annual gathering is held in May in Ojai to explore the teachings of J. Krishnamurti. The program each year includes presentations by people who have been immersed in the teachings and dialogues in which participants can deepen their understanding of the teachings and of themselves. The gatherings are also an opportunity to meet friends and colleagues and to be exposed to the beautiful property in Ojai where Krishnamurti spent so much time and had such significant experiences and awakenings. This particular gathering celebrated fifty years of the existence of the KFA organization in Ojai.
This year our program director Ralph Tiller was able to attend the Ojai gathering in person and represent the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada there. Others of us were able to watch the event by livestreaming on the internet while sitting together at the Metchosin Centre. There was a full program for the two days from which we could select certain events to watch from those that were streamed online.
Six people attended the Saturday events at KECC and the same number on Sunday. There were no problems with the online streaming. The program was introduced by Jaap Sluijter and began with a presentation by Michael Mendizza entitled “Unconditionally Free”, which was also the title of the celebration itself. His presentation included some short clips of K in dialogue with David Bohm and some very interesting questions and observations about the real nature of inquiry and what K was pointing to. In the afternoon we chose to view a dialogue between Prof. P. Krishna and David Moody entitled “Freedom from Knowledge and Time” which investigated some of the aspects of K’s teachings that are often found difficult or contradictory. Clear communication from both men helped to shed light on the issues considered. Also offered in this time slot was a talk by Fran Faraz entitled “Freedom from our Conditioning in the Age of Technology and Artificial Intelligence.”
The latter half of the afternoon program offered a choice between a presentation by Michael Kronen called “A Sacred Legacy: How to Keep it Alive?” and “The Biological Underpinnings of Conditioning” with Pathik Wadhwa. We tuned in to the first option briefly and then by consensus decided to use the rest of the lovely sunny afternoon to walk on the property or sit by the ocean and contemplate. The presentations were available to be watched at any time later or at home.
On Sunday morning we visited with Stephen Smith as he spoke on “Unravelling Conditioning”. Mark Lee also probed the question “Why Another Organization?” in a separate presentation. Stephen’s talk was very much appreciated. Spontaneous discussion arose amongst our group throughout the two days and the structure of our participation took its own course to a certain extent. On Sunday afternoon we had some dialogue and then chose again to finish early and to enjoy the rest of the day outdoors. A panel discussion about the Oak Grove School as well as the offerings from Prof. Krishna, “Freedom from Conditioning”, Javier Gomez Rodriguez, “On Dialogue: To See Oneself as One Is”, and Jaap Sluijter, “KFA, Past, Present, and Future”, could be watched at home or at some future time.
It was a fairly casual and enjoyable weekend. Most of the presenters will be coming to our Centre in Metchosin over the course of this year to offer weekend retreats, which will provide an opportunity for direct contact and inquiry with these central figures in the Krishnamurti world.

Birthing a New Mind, Weekend Retreat with Richard Waxberg and Deborah Kerner

Birthing a New Mind
Retreat with Richard Waxberg and Deborah Kerner
April 26 – 28, 2019

We were delighted to be joined again this year by Richard and Deborah from the Krishnamurti Foundation of America in Ojai, California. Their brochure for the weekend event describes the intentions and approach of their work. “We are entering together into an exciting journey of discovery, inquiring into the potential for living in freedom to see if it is possible to meet the mystery and beauty of being alive with a fresh mind, as if for the first time…. The intensive retreat invites us to explore Krishnamurti’s insights that point to the possibility of a transformation of consciousness.”
Twenty-two people participated in the retreat, which was mostly conducted in a “dialogue” format. For periods of time each day we sat in a circle, sharing the inquiry and the insights arising as we emphasized “what K referred to as a deep ‘listening and seeing’, the open door through which unexamined beliefs, concepts. and ideas can be revealed beyond the limitation of thought and time, without judgment or resistance. This dimension of ‘seeing’ and ‘listening is like turning a powerful light on our conditioned responses, the normally hidden layers of conditioned thinking.”
Using quotes from K’s writings as entry points, our group dialogues unfolded spontaneously, along with occasional reminders to leave our tendencies to fall into limited thinking strategies and to be open to a more direct knowing (or “not-knowing”) that is vibrant and alive. Many aspects of the journey beyond becoming and into “being” were investigated in an atmosphere of affection and respect. A videotape of K speaking in Saanen in 1981 and titled “Learning that Transforms Consciousness” was played on Saturday night and provided more stimulation for our inquiry. There was time for walks in nature and rest periods. Delicious meals were provided by Glenrosa Restaurant. It was a wonderful weekend and we will be hoping that Richard and Deborah can return next year.