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Intelligence is the understanding or the discovery of love. Intelligence has nothing whatsoever to do with thought, with cleverness, with knowledge. You may be very clever in your studies, in your job, in being able to argue very cleverly, reasonably, but that is not intelligence. Intelligence goes with love and compassion.
You cannot come upon that intelligence as an individual; compassion is not yours or mine, like thought is not yours or mine. Where there is intelligence, there is no ‘me’ and ‘you’. Intelligence does not abide in your mind. That intelligence, which is the Supreme, is everywhere. It is that intelligence that moves the earth and the heavens and the stars because that is compassion.” ~
~Jiddu Krishnamurti


May be an image of 8 people and text that says 'Yesterday is controlling what you are doing today.. The very seeing ot this iS the ending. J. Krishnamurti'
“The brain is the result of time, experience and knowledge. The very activity of the brain is based on past remembrances, whether illusory, actual or accumulated knowledge. […] So the past, the present and the future are a movement in time. The past is the present. […] See this fact, that thought and time together are the actual movement of human existence. The future is tremendously important to us, but the future is the modified past.”

~ J Krishnamurti

*  Indeed, and what one ultimately is – this non-personal fact – is the alert, choiceless awareness of the movement of thought and time. That which is aware is timeless beauty, peace, love, and joy in clearly, obviously, being. Take a quiet walk or have tea by your window and allow all and everything of the body/mind – thoughts, feelings, pains and itches – to appear and gently pass, and the reality of simply being that allowing awareness is invited – given peaceful space to rest, to present, to delight in its self. There’s the wonder, yes. 🙂


“If you eliminate the things that make you look at life fragmentarily, your mind is then not following the rut. Therefore it is free. If you want to see the view of the valley from the hill, you survey the whole thing, don’t you? That means your mind is no longer merely fixed on a particular part; you look at the whole valley.” *
~ J Krishnamurti


One way to view the way we live is to see how grided we are in daily living and relationships. At their root, almost all – if not all – our responses are reactions culturally supplied and utilized to give us hope, to help us cope, with insecurity, aka fear.
The grid we depend on is like a ‘power system’ that’s maintained by our respective culture that’s ‘rutted’ in comforting traditions. It’s a webbed network of established habits. We function variously malcontented by the daily grind of living hooked up to a grid with its beliefs that define and separate, apparently. With reactions that prejudge the experience of what’s actually happening today as the same as yesterday.
In off-grid aware living, one is not burdened by yesterdays. Or tomorrows. Indeed, there’s a constantly renewed and spacous view of the whole, from the whole; a moment to moment abiding that’s totally sufficient. There’s delight in simply being, and a fresh, free and friendly reception to what presently is, as it is. Some call it love. 🙂
James Waite
*From Discussion with students 2, Thatcher School, Ojai, 9 November 1966


~ You’re invited to Zoom in to the Aware Living Cafe hosted by James Waite and participant JC Tefft; to enjoy and contribute to a six-part series exploring K’s Book Of Life, Saturday, January 20, 2024 at 10am to 11:30, Victoria, BC (PCT) More details and to simply register: https://krishnamurti-canada.ca/…/aware-living-cafe-2…/
Aware Living Café | Krishnamurti Educational Centre


May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Absent our desires and fears, we see what is, and wonder.'
It’s very rare and important for one to get beyond words, measures and meanings, beyond the totally conditioned mind with its desires and fears, to live and have our being and happiness rooted in what one is that fully satisfies: affectionate awareness: love, peace, beauty and joy in being. 🙂
~ James Waite


~ You’re invited to Zoom in to the Aware Living Cafe hosted by James Waite and participant JC Tefft; to enjoy and contribute to a six-part series exploring K’s Book Of Life, Saturday, January 20, 2024 at 10am to 11:30, Victoria, BC (PCT) More details and to simply register: https://krishnamurti-canada.ca/…/aware-living-cafe-2…/

IN BRIEF: Consciousness and awareness.

May be an image of 3 people
“Experiencing is challenge and response, and this experiencing, together with naming or recording of it, – this total process, at different levels, is consciousness, is it not?
..Thought is always the superficial, the conclusion. Consciousness is the recording of the superficial..[ ] This concluding process is consciousness. The conclusion, the result, is self-consciousness.
..The self is memory, the many conclusions; and thought is the response of memory…Thought is always the superficial, the conclusion. Consciousness is the recording of the superficial.” *
J Krishnamurti


~ For decades I confused and conflated the word-pointers ‘consciousness’ and ‘awareness’, and while there’s more clarity in aware living these days, I’m moved to simply – in a non-scholarly way – explore here how these pointers are sometimes used and confused. 🙂
Of course, “the word is not the thing” as K notes elsewhere, but it seems relevant to those of us who are urged, pushed and variously prodded to directly realize that the word ‘awareness’ points beyond the finite, body/mind consciousness, beyond time and space.
Re awareness, here’s one way to simply suggest (not define) and differentiate for brevity and clarity’s sake: awareness is that ever-fresh, alertly living infinity one is which is aware of all appearing and disappearing body/mind conscious, sentient experience. I’ll leave the topic here with an invitation to you to perhaps share and comment. 🙂
James Waite


~ I happened upon this photo of Alan Watts (center, with wife Joan (?) and J Krishnamurti posted by Michael Coffman. I didn’t know they met and am delighted to see their joy in that meeting. 🙂


~ You’re invited to Zoom in to the Aware Living Cafe hosted by James Waite; to enjoy and contribute to a six-part series (Jan. to April, 2024) exploring K’s Book Of Life, Saturday, January 20, 2024 at 10am to 11:30, Victoria, BC (PCT) More details and to simply register: https://krishnamurti-canada.ca/…/aware-living-cafe-2…/


What makes living and learning mechanical?

We are used to accepting authority, not only the outside authority but also our own peculiar authorities, secret authorities. We are apt to follow rather than investigate into the whole question of authority, the authority of the priest and your own authority of experience and knowledge. When you accept authority inwardly, you are merely following, and therefore you become mechanical.*
~ J Krishnamurti.


A note exploring the above: Aware living is all about the instant and ongoing abandonment of the mind’s conditioned and mechanical ways of “Looking for something I can believe in.” When all belief – including the believer who needs to believe – falls away, what remains is an empty, open and welcoming mind that functions well and truly as a servant to awareness, to simply being and enjoying life as it presents, here and now, moment to moment. That ’emptiness’ is empty of beliefs that formerly, seemingly, constituted the person – the ‘me’ myth of being a ‘self-centered’ entity.
Sans the stuff of belief, there remains a fullness which may be pointed to in merely symbolic words that vaguely describe this lived recognition of reality as being, as life itself, living freely without knowing. This beingness of emptiness is sugested with words like peaceful, beautiful, easeful, joyful, and wonderful. In fine, one’s common awareness is full of affection; it is an all-embracing love – not these words or feelings or personalized experiences about reality, but the certain knowing that remains when all pretension, all belief, falls away. Some call it love. 🙂
James Waite


*From a Public Talk, Rome, 29 October 1972


~ You’re invited to Zoom in to the Aware Living Cafe hosted by James Waite and participant JC Tefft; to enjoy and contribute to a six-part series exploring K’s Book Of Life, first and second Saturdays, January to March, 2024 at 10am to 11:30, Victoria, BC (PCT) For more dates and details and to simply register: https://krishnamurti-canada.ca/…/aware-living-cafe-2…/