Krishnamurti Study Session, February 3, 2019, at KECC

Krishnamurti Study Session
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

The session was facilitated by Laurie Sthamaan in David’s abscence. Her report follows. “Three of us met today to read the meditation (Jan 4) “Listening Without Thought” in J. Krishnamurti’s The Book of Life. We had a most lively and invigorating dialogue, going into it deeply, together, listening and learning. We inquired if the brain can see the movement of thought, including the ongoing intense suffering that is the human condition, and open to the aliveness that is love, which is beyond the brain, the illusion of the “me”, and which can cause transformation.”

Krishnamurti – On Love – Uvic Stillness Within January 23rd Meetup

The first meetup of 2019 was a really enjoyable exploration and book study!   We pondered many reflections and insights as we read through the first part of Krishnamurti’s writings on “Love” in Freedom From the Known.

Highlights from our reading and reflection are captured here:

* We think we know what love is but often what we really know as ‘love’ are simply our beliefs and concepts – or wants and needs such as security, prestige, comfort etc.

*  Love as we often experience it, more often than not, has a subject and object – it’s become imbued with separation / duality

*  When really allowing our perception to go beyond conceptual expression and comprehension, love seems to become the collapse of separation – a glimpse of oneness/unity…

*  At times, it even can seem as if Love is a boundless flow of something immense that peeks through us

*  Or more precisely, it seems when we are very open, that this Love appears as a wonderful exquisite gentleness that sees the world AS us!

We had some wonderful discussion – well beyond what’s capturable here.  The group are keen to see where K will take us next through the inquiry (we didn’t get through the whole chapter on love so will pick it up again when we meet in February).

Thank you to the K Centre of Canada for supporting this Meetup!


Krishnamurti Study Session, January 20, 2019, at KECC

Krishnamurti Study Session
Sunday, January 20, 2019
At Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

Seven participants were in attendance for this Sunday morning session at the Centre in Metchosin. We began the study of the Krishnamurti text, The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti. The first selections for the month of January focus on the theme of listening and challenge us to put aside our projections and desires so that real perception of what is can be taking place. K’s guidance is simple and direct in these passages, lending themselves to quiet contemplation. Periods of silence were interspersed with the readings and then some group dialogue on the meaning and significance of what was read and discovered in contemplation. It was a very good start to the new phase of the K study program.

Approaches to Self-Inquiry, January 13, 2019

Approaches to Self-Inquiry
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Five people were in attendance for this Sunday afternoon session at the Centre in Metchosin. Ralph had purchased a feature-length movie entitled Closer than Close, which followed some of the process of a group of young men and women who were meeting over a period of time to share their journeys of self-discovery. The film producer interviewed the group members and a few other individuals who had been committed to some time to self-inquiry and the search for wholeness or “enlightenment”. The characters discussed what had motivated them to set out on the search and some of the key insights that had occured. The exploration of the fact of death for all of us, and what impact it has on our life experience, was one of the central themes. All those interviewed presented their thoughts, questions, and realizations very eloquently; as listeners we could easily relate to their experience.
Following the film we discussed issues raised by the film and how they related to our own lives and understanding. It was a very interesting exchange of ideas and insights.

The Open, Empty, Transparent Body

Report for the Rupert Spira Session—January 13th, 2019

Chapter 23—The Open, Empty, Transparent Body

In Attendance—Rick, Katherine, Charlene, Jim

In this morning’s audio, Rupert took us deep into the body in a profound contemplation meant to reveal that our experience, if we stay with it, shows us the way to realization. It is the realization that there is nothing there, inside or outside of us, but Pure Knowing, modulating itself as sensations, thoughts, feelings or perceptions.

If we take a stand as this Pure Knowing, he says, all we will know is that, our Self, the light of Pure Knowing, never ceases to be itself; never being, knowing or becoming anything other than itself.

This aligns with Krishnamurti’s teaching that the observer is the observed.


Exploring Awareness, January 6, 2019

Exploring Awareness
January 6, 2019
Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

This afternoon session was attended by nine people. The purpose of these “Exploring Awareness” meetings is to invite an experiential understanding or direct experience of what the “choiceless awareness” spoken of by J. Krishnamurti actually is, and thereby to help activate the kind of transformation in consciousness that he felt necessary in our lives. We make use of guided meditations from various sources as well as creating our own explorations and inquiries. In this case we listened to a New Year’s day guided meditation offered by self-inquiry teacher Mooji, a video which lasted about eighty minutes. The guided meditation seemed to have a powerful effect in producing a deep and silent space of observation in the group. Some discussion and questions then arose and the conversation branched out in some unexpected ways. Participants were very engaged and seemed reluctant to end the session, so it went on for quite some time. The selection for the meditation was apparently felt to be of relevance and value.

Krishnamurti Study Session, January 6, 2019

Krishnamurti Study Session
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

Six people were in attendance for this morning session. The chapter for study was Q & A # 38 from J. Krishnamurti’s book The First and Last Freedom, entitled “On Transformation”. The questioner asked Krishnamurti “What do you mean by transformation?” K begins by affirming that there is obviously a critical need for a radical revolution given the state of the world. The difference in his approach is that the revolution must not be based on an idea, as has always been the case in the past – and which has never been effective. We usually think that a transformation must be a kind of ultimate event, but in this way we miss the actuality of seeing “what is” in the now, in this very moment, and being with it fully. The truth liberates, and truth is in perception of the false as the false from moment to moment. This perception releases the energy of love, without which revolution has no meaning.
As we read through the text questions and observations were raised in exploration of K’s concepts and the intention to directly understand what is being pointed to. The dialogue was focused and insightful, inviting a deeper understanding in the participants, who confirmed that the inquiry had been beneficial. We have now completed our study of this particular text and will move on to a group reading of The Book of Life, a collection of daily quotations from Krishnamurti’s talks and writings. The meetings are on a drop-in basis and all are welcome to attend at any time.

Approaches to Self-Inquiry, December 23, 2018

Approaches to Self-Inquiry
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

For this afternoon event at the Centre in Metchosin we showed a film about spiritual teacher and recovered addict Paul Hedderman. Paul has a unique and energetic way of talking about his journey and sharing his insights about the nature of the self and the possibility of transcending self-concern. His expression is sometimes humorous, sometimes using rough language, but very much to the point and directly exploring the issues of self investigation and the misguided ways we tend to seek release from the egoic sense of self and our conditioning. Paul’s answering of questions put to him by an interviewer took place against a background of beautiful natural settings including beaches where Paul was surfing.
The three participants noted that what Paul says is very similar to J. Krishnamurti’s approach to the same issues of living. The movie, Travelling Lighter with Paul Hedderman, was very much enjoyed.

Krishnamurti on Fear – UVic Stillness Within December 5th meetup

Our December meetup followed closely on the heels of the November meetup and we had strong turnout.  There were nine of us at the meeting – four of whom were there for their first time.  We opted for a traditional book study format, with a focus on the chapter on Fear – from Krishnamurti’s work:  The First and Last Freedom. 

The group took turns reading, reflecting, seeing whether the proposed concepts resonated with our own experience in some way.  It was very exciting to see people who have never been exposed to this format or to the works of Krishnamurti really connect with the content.  The chapter itself explored the nature of fear – how the mind itself is engaged in the production of fear and how a wider sense of identity can observe the concepts, projections, yearning or clinging that is essentially working to protect our sense of self.  As we looked further at the concept of self, and the silent quiet place of non-filtered observation, there was a general sense of just how limited a perspective we (as a sense of self) can be.  And also, how challenging it is to describe what’s left when we aren’t relating from this self-identity.

The evening was a real gift and we enjoyed snacks in the adjacent restaurant afterward which kept the conversation going into the evening.

Mooji – The Invitation: UVic Stillness Within Meetup Nov. 28th

November’s gathering brought a small handful of members out to enjoy a powerful recorded talk by Mooji, with a guided meditation which invited attendees to leave behind their projections of the future, past or judgements of the present moment and slip into a pure sense of being free of the usual steady stream of thought. 

During the group’s discussion of our own experience with relaxing away from thought, Krishnamurti’s guidance figured prominently.  One quote comes to mind:  “One is never afraid of the unknown;  one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”  A few of us have experienced this fear of ‘letting go’ during more meditative moments, but all expressed a deep appreciation for the times they’ve experienced of falling away from thought and seeing the world without constant judgements.  Mooji’s talk made the discovery of inner stillness seem easily accessible to all… a wonderful yet simple pointing!

This was a lovely session with a great sense of community.

Thanks again to the KECC for hosting the Meetup.