The New Beginnings Non-Duality Weekend was timely for many who attended. After the festive season gatherings, hosting, visiting, eating and shopping, the event was a welcome chance to unplug and restore. There were 28 people in total who attended over the two days, from three different Meetup groups (New Beginnings Non-Duality group; the Stillness Within group and the Victoria Spiritual Inquiry and UVic group). A number of teachers were profiled as part of the program, including Francis Lucille, Eckhart Tolle, Jim Newman, Lisa Cairns, Rupert Spira and Mooji. Also, J. Krishnamuriti’s work was highlighted during the weekend, through the sharing of K. Quotes, as well as a K. reading/inquiry discussion. This informative session, facilitated by David Bruneau, lead to some very engaging exploration of the nature of effort, fully being with ‘what is’, and the role for ‘self-inquiry’ and group based inquiry. The weekend drew out common threads in many non-dual teachings. These include the following key concepts: – That we are all interconnected expressions of ‘oneness’ (Advaita means ‘not two’) – That the mind or egoic sense of individuality is essentially an appearance or illusion – as opposed to our true nature – That life is ‘living’ us rather than the other way around (e.g. We may think we have consciousness but actually everything is occurring within consciousness) – We are not “thinking” thoughts – rather, they arise and then we witness or ‘claim’ them as our own – The ego is built of many concepts. Once we see through these concepts – the power of the egoic self is loosened. This is the basis of “Self-enquiry.” Of course, in the spirit of K.’s message, we are encouraged to examine and reach our own discoveries in relation to these notions. Those attending the weekend also enjoyed a sampling of iRest Yoga practices (an inner body type of awareness yoga); Headless Way awareness experiments; and a live skype session with Jim Newman which left the group with much to ponder (Do we choose? Are we already perfect and complete? Can the end of suffering be as simple as seeing ‘we are this’, a grand infinite happening?). A panel based discussion of the non-dual experience resulted in the exploration of attendees’ perspectives on volition/influence, the soul, choice and the possibility of a non-local experience of self/existence. Rupert Spira and Eckhart Tolle recorded talks punctuated the weekend with informative sharing on presence, allowing, and the source of our beingness. Thanks to co-facilitators, Robert Keegan and Passia Pandora and also to volunteer presenters Jim Newman and Rosalind Taylor. Thanks also to Ralph Tiller for coordination of overnight guests, and to the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada for the generous use of the facility and for making available Krishnamurti’s written and recorded material.