krishnamurti canada

Truth is a Pathless Land

“Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to it through any organization, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual, not through any philosophical knowledge or psychological technique. He has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the understanding of the contents of his own mind, through observation and not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection.”

— J. Krishnamurti

Welcome to the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

The Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada is a registered charitable organization located on the outskirts of the city of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.

KECC’s mandate is to offer a space and programs to study the teachings of J.Krishnamurti and provide opportunities for self-inquiry, self-knowledge and the transformation of human consciousness. To this end it also includes in its program other, contemporary teachings aligned with such an inquiry that transcends beliefs and religious traditions.

KECC is located at 538 Swanwick Road outside Victoria BC.  The facility offers a meeting room, accommodation, a fully equipped kitchen, a library and other facilities. Enjoy group workshops and educational events with local and international teachers and facilitators, as well as personal study sessions,

Guests have full use of the beautiful grounds which comprise 32 acres of ocean-front property.  Experience the magnificent views of the Strait of Juan De Fuca and the snow-capped Olympic mountains of Washington State, as well as nature trails that wind their way through meadows, forest and along the scenic coastline

Taking time out, unwinding and reflecting in the lovely setting of our centre can lead to greater awareness, clarity and inner peace, as many others have discovered.


The crisis is not a matter of economics, of war, the bomb, the politicians, the scientists; the crisis is within us, the crisis is in our consciousness.  Until we understand very profoundly the nature of that consciousness, and question, delve deeply into it and find out for ourselves whether there can be a total mutation in that consciousness, the world will go on creating more misery, more confusion, more horror.  Our responsibility is not in some kind of altruistic action outside ourselves, political, social or economic; it is to comprehend the nature of our being,  to find out why we human beings who live on this beautiful earth have become like this.”  


Our events are educational day sessions focused on specific themes that support self-inquiry, self-awareness and a new consciousness, as advocated by J.Krishnamurti.


Our workshops offer, over a weekend or longer, an exploration of specific themes that support spiritual inquiry, self-awareness and transformative insight.

Study Programs

KECC provides several options of personal study for self-exploration and a deeper understanding of J. Krishnamurti’s teaching.


Online Workshops

Online Events

Onsite Events

Personal Study Stays

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Daily Quote

"Being well adjusted to a sick society is not an indication of health."

— J. Krishnamurti

“This place could be an oasis for mankind.”

“This was everything I wanted, needed, hoped for and much more. I cannot put in words what the ‘more’ is. I am home. Thank you.”

“The weekend went wonderfully.  Good dialogues, good video selection, great food, great people.  I would recommend everyone to come and enjoy the beautiful grounds, lovely facilities and grand vistas.”

“This was an excellent workshop! Thank you to the organizers.  The setting is superb, the food is delicious and the accommodation is perfect – spacious, tranquil and healing.” 

Copyright © Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada.