Self Study Meeting January 2, 2022

Self Study Meeting

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Zoom online


Fourteen people were in attendance for this installment of what has been a series of monthly meetings to explore deeply the teachings of J. Krishnamurti. The meetings have been going on now for a few years and most recently have been via the internet, which allows participants to join us from all over the world. Our investigations are supported and stimulated by selections from The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti. In this case the readings were the April 1 – 14 selections focusing mainly on the topic of desire.

The April 4 entry was used as guidance for a silent contemplation to begin the session and bring attention to observing ourselves. The passage was read slowly while participants sat quietly, opening to the meaning and experience of what K was saying. The main thrust of the pointers was that if we look at desire without any judgement or “condemnation” then the nature of desire will be revealed in unexpected ways and with new and fresh aspects. K challenges us to be open not just to particular desires but also to the “total quality” of desire. The contemplation of these utterances triggered a variety of responses, sometimes quite contradictory and emphasising different perspectives and ways of approaching the issue of desire in us. There were manifestations of apparent conflict between participants and, on the other hand, of significant “truths” or insights. There were sharings of appreciation for the opportunity to discuss such subtle but important matters with like-minded individuals. As usual, the nature of “the self” was questioned again and again and discussed with some intensity. Many of the group agreed that kindness, patience, and compassion are elements much needed in the practice of dialogue if it is to be not only fruitful but also enjoyable.