Exploring Ourselves, April 3, 2022

Exploring Ourselves

With Jackie McKinley

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Zoom Online


Nineteen participants gathered on a Sunday morning to share in a process of “dialogue” which was led by Jackie McKinley from the UK. She is offering the sessions, sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada, twice per month via the Zoom online medium. There were a number of participants new to Krishnamurti’s teachings and to the activity of dialogue. The meeting began with some discussion of the principles of dialogue as they were developed and presented by physicist David Bohm during and following his years of interactions with Jiddu Krishnamurti. The practice of “suspension” in particular was examined and questioned by group members. This is a practice of holding up an idea in a space where it can be looked at without previous conclusions or beliefs. Jackie spoke of an attitude of curiosity that is conducive to a freshness and spontaneity of investigation which can reveal meaningful insights into the processes of our own minds and hearts as we engage in relationship with others. This led to an exploration of what is effective communication in a group context such as this one and what is actually being received and shared by participants. Is there resistance to what is being shared and how it is being shared?

The subjects of awareness and attention arose and the differences between them were discussed, with some people making them significant. This seemed like familiar ground in Krishnamurti circles but was perhaps not so for everyone. There was both a sense of conflict and disagreement in the communication as well as gratitude for the willingness to look into issues which might be sensitive at times. Jackie often asks if there can be a looking without preconceptions and works hard at encouraging such an approach to understanding ourselves.