Weekend Events at the Centre

  Krishnamurti Study Group Meeting Saturday, May 3, 2014 Eight people met to study another chapter in Freedom From the Known.   We began with reading the first half of Chapter 11 on looking and listening, then engaged in a ten minute exercise exploring how we are observing.   Is there an observer and an object being observed?   Is there a space between the observer or “you” and the object?  What happens when it is noticed that thought is creating a separate observer and observed?  The experiential exercise was followed by some discussion of what had been experienced and seen.   The interesting comments by participants soon picked up another subject, the question of “free will” or doership of anything.   Is there any individual who can exercise free will or have any ultimate control over his actions or the results of them?  It seems this kind of discussion often activates some strong responses or reactions, but there is always value in exploring the differing viewpoints and learning from the attention to our reactions and beliefs which are revealed in the process.   We never returned to finish reading the rest of the chapter so will be picking up on that in the next session. Inquiry Sunday Sunday, May 4, 2014    In the afternoon a DVD from the Beyond Myth and Tradition was shown, a half hour compilation of excerpts from Krishnamurti’s talks.   The focus was on “choiceless awareness”.   Other than in the purely practical realm, choice is, according to K, only needed when there is confusion.   If there is clarity, then choice is not not involved.  Also touched on were questions regarding awareness, attention, looking, and listening.  The ten people present then, after some short silence,  had a sharing of how awareness and attention has functioned in their lives.  Again, the group had a keen interest in the issues raised and were very much engaged in the “dialogue”.