Exploring Ourselves, December 18, 2022

Exploring Ourselves

With Jackie McInley

December 18, 2022

Zoom online

Fifteen people in total were present for this Sunday morning meeting, the last of the year in this series. Jackie joined us from the UK on Zoom and we took some time to discuss our experience of the online format versus in-person meetings. Many expressed a preference for the in-person mode while at the same time appreciating the alternative offered by online meetings, especially in the time of the pandemic. The discussion was followed by a period of silence which spontaneously gave way to an exploration of looking and listening as opposed to thought and analysis. There was an extensive questioning and sharing of thoughts, with some quick answers being offered. Jackie asked if there could be an observation of the thoughts, which seemed to be perhaps the core question or issue in self-observation. Questions arising from the participants inquired if we were invested in thought and were not seeing the error in a manner free of thought or apart from the movement of thought.

At times the inquiry became more personal and touched into the fact of individual sorrow in the forms of jealousy, feeling lost, and other such challenging experiences. Jackie asked if it would be possible to stay in an unfamiliar place or feeling without seeking a solution. What happens when this takes place? She suggested that this question could be our homework until future meetings – which would obviously be welcomed by participants.