Exploring Ourselves, January 15, 2023

Exploring Ourselves

Sunday, January 15, 2023

With Jackie McInley

Zoom Online


Jackie facilitated this online meeting from Ojai, California. There was a total of eighteen people present for the two-hour session which ran from 10 am to about 12:15 pm. A number of the participants were new to dialogue and others had attended other dialogue gatherings but not with our group and not with Jackie, who therefore outlined some of the principles of dialogue to get us started. She pointed to a central element of dialogue and self-inquiry in the fact that the human mind is conditioned, which makes the study of it quite challenging. Instead of being driven by the conditioned mind, is it possible to give it space to emerge and reveal itself, to not judge it but to look at what it is and to share what comes out? Can we look at the activities of the thinking mind without overly analysing them or adding further thought, which only keeps us in an endless loop of thinking? Is it not more fruitful to engage in seeing, perceiving, and direct understanding? Are these separate or are they the same? Some group members introduced the necessity to explore the reality of fear and specifically the fear of death, dissolution, and the ending of the self.

Some interactions amongst the group brought in the issue of the “I” and its responsibility for the desire to be “right” or “safe” and “secure”. The identification with the “I” was considered to be a major cause of psychological disturbance in a multi-faceted way. As we examine ourselves, what is being revealed and what is not being revealed? What is seen and what is not seen? Do we have a choiceless observation of ourselves and an ongoing learning? How can we be aware of ourselves when the self is interfering in the questioning itself? What is authentic observation? Does the observer begin to replace observing and can there be a shift from the observer to observing (without the “me”)? Such questions were the stimulus for focused looking and listening. Participants contributed interesting questions and insights throughout and thereby created an atmosphere of curiosity and penetrating perception. It seemed we were not easily ready to come to the end of the meeting. Many seemed to be inspired to carry the energy of the gathering into our daily lives.