Self-Inquiry with Harshad, May 3, 2023


With Harshad Parekh

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Esquimalt Gorge Pavilion


Jackie has departed and Harshad has arrived from India to spend a month at the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada in Metchosin, BC. While he is here, Harshad will be guiding meetings at the Centre and in Victoria at the Gorge Pavilion on Sundays and Wednesdays respectively. Nine of us were present for his first session at the pavilion. He began with an introduction of his own person and his long-time interest in the teachings of J. Krishnamurti and their value to him. As K has often explained, one can be born in India and carry an Indian passport but need not identify oneself as an Indian. One is a human being with traits and tendencies similar to all humans, and all humans have shared experiences of suffering and joy. We are all conditioned in similar ways, Harshad noted, and we may have an interest in inquiring into our ways of behaving and experiencing in relationship with the world. In that endeavour we may look to Krishnamurti as a source of wisdom and insight. Harshad shared that he finds K’s investigations with the observation of our minds and feelings, and the consequent “renewal of the mind”, particularly relevant. Developing a capacity to see things freshly and to observe with a silent mind that does not judge is important.

Why does the mind deteriorate? Harshad asked. The question provoked some discussion in which we looked at the issue of conflict and competition in communicating with others and the desire to be something or someone we are not. The fear of silence and being alone was explored, along with the need to start looking inwards in order to understand ourselves. Harshad read a passage written by Krishnamurti about renewing the mind, which was followed by some discussion. There was a good amount of participation from the group in the discussion/dialogue. It seemed like an auspicious beginning to Harshad’s stay in Canada