Self-inquiry, May 14, 2023


With Harshad Parekh

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Krishnamurti Centre in Metchosin


Lovely sunny weather supported us in sitting on the front lawn at the Krishnamurti Centre of Canada in Metchosin, BC. Six people in total enjoyed the beautiful views of the ocean and the mountains along with shrill bird songs and colourful flowers growing on the property. Perhaps the fact that it was Mother’s Day may have taken people to other locations.

Harshad asked if participants had any pressing questions they would like to discuss and one woman shared that she had been studying Buddhism for some years and would welcome some discussion of the similarities and differences between what the Buddha and Krishnamurti taught. It was shared that K said at one point that the teachings closest to his own were those of the Buddha. This opened the door to some detailed discussion of the consistencies between the two and the points of diversion. The conversation flowed in an interesting way and eventually included some of the deep challenges that self-inquiry makes of us as our insights bring the dissolution of our personality structures. There was also an examination of some of the fears and joys that can arise when this destablising of the self starts to happen. A variety of experiences in this domain were shared, including people’s experiences when meeting K and applying his teachings in their daily lives. Harshad pointed out that if one is really serious about self-inquiry – and one must be – then he or she is no longer interested in making money, being famous, or other such “worldly” pursuits. It is rare that a person does not get distracted by such outside interests.

It seemed that, even though the number of attendees was rather small, everyone found the meeting interesting, enjoyable, and beneficial.