Self-inquiry, May 24, 2023


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

With Harshad Parekh

Esquimalt Gorge Pavilion, Victoria, BC


Five people in total attended this afternoon meeting at the lovely location of the Pavilion in Esquimalt Gorge Park. The session was facilitated by our current visitor from India, Harshad Parekh and was sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada.

Harshad began with some ideas about perception and awareness which together awaken us to the beauty around us and within us. Attachment to words and concepts interfere with clear perception and fill our inner space with thoughts and feelings that clutter our experience. Self-observation and “meditation” can produce a clear seeing, as when the Buddha saw the morning star with its great beauty and significance. Noticing our reactions while in daily life as well as in contemplative activities like group dialogue can clear our consciousness of its content and reveal the beauty of inner space. The mind’s tendency to create images prevents a greater depth of seeing and inquiry.

The conversation turned to the value of learning moment to moment as we observe the movements of our minds and hearts. We explored the meaning of education for children and the need for the deep support of unconditional love, which Krishnamurti judged to be absolutely essential in growing up as a psychologically and emotionally healthy being. This requires a great sensitivity on the part of the parents and teachers of the children. The difference between acquiring knowledge and developing a sensitive awareness was looked into as a part of this interesting and enjoyable dialogue.