Victoria Video and Dialogue Event
Krishnamurti Video Event in Victoria Sunday, June 14, 2015 The subject of the video and dialogue event at The Church of Truth in Victoria this month was “Dealing with Difficult Emotions”. Eight people attended the meeting. We began with an excerpt of an Ojai talk by Krishnamurti in which he focused mainly on fear but applied the pointers to being with anger or any other emotion. The video was supplemented with a handout from Freedom from the Known, Chapter 5. Both the video and the reading were specifically inquiring into how we look at fear. Do we look as a separate observer, or do we realize that we are not in fact separate from the fear? When the duality collapses our relationship with fear is transmuted and the issue dissolves. There was a great interest in investigating further by means of group dialogue in which participants were asked to share (if they wanted) what their understanding was, how they look at difficult emotions, and what they might have learned from the video, reading and discussion. After a tea break we watched a short video of Rupert Spira on the topic of going into the heart of an emotion. He took the example of feeling hurt by what someone has said and explored step by step a process of inquiring into exactly who or what is feeling hurt. He showed that the entity who is hurt is nothing but a fictional character created by imagination. Naturally the whole problem is transformed by this kind of insight, and the group found his presentation extremely clear and useful. After a little more discussion we watched a clip of Eckhart Tolle, again focusing on psychological fear. Eckhart gave a number of practical suggestions for dealing with anxiety and fear which seemed a helpful addition to the previous material. The group was quite fully engaged and it always took some energy to rein in the discussion and bring each part of the session to a close.