Krishnamurti Study Group
Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, June 20, 2015 Six people gathered to explore chapter 6 in The First and Last Freedom by J. Krishnamurti. The topic of the chapter is “Belief” and K begins by stating that he is not attacking beliefs but rather questioning why we seem to need them and what our motives are for holding beliefs. Is fear at the bottom of our need for beliefs, and is it possible to live entirely without beliefs, which separate people and create conflict in the world? What are we if we do not identify with any beliefs? After reading a portion of the text the group engage in a focused inquiry into the nature of belief and the challenge of letting go of deeply held assumptions such as the idea that we need to be in control of our lives. The level of inquiry seemed to be quite deep and participants found it challenging – but worthwhile – to really look at and be with the issues raised.