UG vs JK

Over the years there has been apparent controversy and comparison between JK and UG. Although UG and JK share the same name, their apparent perspectives are very different in one respect. Although JK denounced teachers, his message was that man can bring about some kind of tremendous transformation and mutation of his brain by watching himself and his thoughts. So this sort of lecturing seems to have put him on a pedestal and many considered him a teacher. UG negates all teaching and concepts of change. “I have no teaching. There is nothing to preserve. Teaching implies something that can be used to bring about change. Sorry, there is no teaching here, just disjointed, disconnected sentences. What is there is only your interpretation, nothing else. For this reason there is not now nor will there ever be any kind of copyright for whatever I am saying. I have no claims”.  However, from a non-dual perspective there is no need to differentiate between UG or JK. There is no need to hold one up against the other. Once it is realized that all is THIS and that THIS is expressing Itself as the apparent teacher and student, the apparent beggar and King, the apparent saint and sinner, and the apparent guru or anti-guru;  there is a relaxation and falling away of any need to compare or denounce one over the other.