Stillness Within Meetup – April Eckhart Tolle Talk – Discovering Your True Self
The Stillness Within met on April 9 for a talk by Eckhart Tolle given in San Francisco on “Discovering Your True Self.” There was a group of 9 who watched this video of Eckhart discussing the process of awakening to who we are beyond form, and the practice of rising above thinking. He spoke of lucid living where we still participate in the dream and creation of form, of life, and yet stay aware of our essence as the timeless space. Where we can have joyful creation without self seeking, without service to ego. Eckhart led a guided meditation of the practice that assists with awakening. Where no effort or will is used but instead we make the decision to be alert and still, not thinking. We put our attention to experiencing aliveness in the inner body, so the mind slows or even stops, and that inner sensation acts as an anchor for awareness. This brought to mind a wonderful quote from J. Krishnamurti from You Are the World: “When we talk about understanding, surely it takes place only when the mind listens completely– the mind being your heart, your nerves, your ears- when you give your whole attention to it.” The group discussion after ranged from how we apply these essential practices in our every day life, and the challenges of that, to Eckhart’s focus in recent talks on more mystical aspects of human awakening. There was also discussion on his term ‘lucid living’, and our interpretation of it. Members enjoyed Eckhart’s lovely analogy comparing our true essence to that of the sun ray and the sun. When the ray becomes still for a moment and realizes there is a depth to who it is. “You realize you were not this disconnected fragment that has been thrown into the universe by some malignant deity that enjoys your suffering.” That we are an essential part of the universe. We haven’t been thrown into the universe, we have come out of it. Thanks to Laurie S. and Bill for helping to host the April gathering, as well as to the Krishnamurti Centre for their generous use of the facility.