‘Realizing Presence’
A guided meditation led by JC Tefft
October 25, 26, & 27, 2024:  10 – 11:30 Pacific Time


Please join us as we investigate together the essential, underlying nature of the material universe – the functionality of the human mind – and the Presence that is eternally aware of that which appears in consciousness.

As Krishnamurti pointed out, We must try to understand the process [of attachment to the content of mind], for unless we understand it there is no way out of our confusion and contradiction….  Understanding the ways … of the self is the beginning of intelligence.”

Friday – Oct 25th: We will inquire into the underlying nature of the material universe and the Intelligence of Light that governs material expression.

Saturday – Oct 26th:  We will inquire into the nature, function, and limitations of the human mind and the problems that attachment to the content of mind present in daily life.

Sunday – Oct 27th:  We will inquire into the true nature of Pure Presence, Enlightened Being, and Non-Duality Reality – or what Krishnamurti simply called the truth of ‘What Is.

Is it possible to PERCEIVE and be AWARE of that which appears in Consciousness absent resistance, absent judgment, absent reaction stemming from the human mind? Is it possible to simply BE PRESENT and thereby allow the Truth of What Is’ to unfold and clarify in the eternally Present Now


Our Facilitator:

JC Tefft: Former athlete, teacher, and entrepreneur, JC is now an author and video producer who corresponds with fellow ‘students’ worldwide. Raised in the home of an enlightened father, he was eventually drawn to the teachings of J. Krishnamurti in the late 70’s and early 80’s – reading his works and attending his talks in Ojai, California.

JC’s investigation into the nature of life, consciousness, and enlightened being led to ‘Realizations’ in Pure Conscious Awareness that ultimately led to writing and producing his works. His critically acclaimed book, The Christ is NOT a Person’ is available at, and a four-part video series entitled Pure Consciousness: The Last Frontier,’ along with other works, can be viewed on his website at JC also posts ‘Observations’ and other commentary on his Facebook page under the name ‘JC Tefft.



Three 90-minute long Zoom meetings 

Recordings will be made available for registrants.


Workshop Fee:  $80 CAD


Realizing Presence

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