Stillness Within Meetup -Eckhart Tolle: The Nature of Ego and Identity

On Remembrance Day, eleven members got together to watch and reflect on a recently released Eckhart Tolle talk. The talk focused on the tendency for human beings to derive a sense of purpose from jobs, accomplishments, appearance and roles. Eckhart pointed to an inner awareness as a path to experience a deeper truth beyond the surface expressions and illusory identity. For many, a collapse or shedding of this constricted sense of self identity is possible with a relaxation into the present moment (being aware of breath, sound, one’s sense of aliveness, or simply sitting and being aware of the gaps between our thoughts).

The group enjoyed a debrief after the talk – with a range of individual reflections. One person had never seen one of Eckhart’s talks and really enjoyed his clear and fun way of expressing. Others felt that some of the content was pertinent to their current experience (e.g. a suggestion of not seeing each action as a stepping stone to get to an ultimate goal but rather a complete experience in and of itself).

As I listened, after having heard many many of ET’s talks, it seemed that rather than connecting on a mental level, stillness was invoked, (even some level of disinterest in the words pouring out). It left, perhaps, more of a non-mind based connection – to Eckhart, to the group, and to the infinite unknowable richness of being. Having meditated for years and years on a solo basis, this opportunity to commune with others from a spacious connection adds richness that warms and possibly even ignites something previously undiscovered.

I would have liked to sit in silence with Krishnamurti, to ask him what could not be conveyed in words (he often seemed so frustrated when the words weren’t ‘landing’ with his audience)… But if there really is no real division, no time, no space, I suppose K’s insights are in the field of our beingness now – closer than close!

Thanks again to the Krishnamurti Centre of Canada for hosting the meetup this month!