The Light of Pure Knowing: Weekend Retreat at KECC

The Light of Pure Knowing
Weekend Retreat at KECC
June 22 – 24, 2018

This weekend retreat was presented by Passia Pandora, who is currently studying philosophy at the University of Victoria. She has also deeply explored the teachings and guidance of the English non-dual teacher Rupert Spira, and she expressed to the group that she has for some time had a passion to share at the Krishnamurti Centre the understandings gained from him. Passia put together a very well organized retreat based on the Spira book The Light of Pure Knowing, which comes with audio guided meditations by the author. We listened to thirteen of the meditations as a group, engaged in discussion of their material, and had regular breaks for personal contemplation and walks on the lovely property. The program was intentionally concentrated so as to keep participants immersed in the perspective being offered by Rupert, thus inviting deep insight and understanding. There were seventeen participants, including facilitators and a couple of drop-ins, and everyone remained focused on the investigations presented. On the lighter side there were some spontaneous musical performances, communications, and “fun” over the weekend. Delicious food was provided by Glenrosa Restaurant.The predominant meditative atmosphere was appreciated by the group and the extra focus on experiential understanding was felt to be a significant contribution to the programs at the Centre.