Exploring Awareness at KECC, August 5, 2018
Exploring Awareness
August 5, 2018
Our afternoon session on Sunday, August 5, resumed our exploration of guided meditation as a way of understanding directly what Krishnamurti and other teachers are pointing to. It is proposed that a more experiential knowing or insight may be available than through verbal discussion, or that the activity of verbal inquiry will be complemented by being invited into an experience of it in a different way. The three participants were guided into a way of looking at both the nature around us as we sat on the front lawn and then the arising of our thoughts, feelings, and sensations in the same space of observation or awareness. We then took a silent walk while exploring the total attention we’d been invited to embody, followed by a short sharing of our experiences. It was remarked that the type of perceiving suggested opened up the awareness to a more subtle and detailed seeing and a sense of wholeness.
We then listened to a guided meditation by Jeff Foster, which was similar and also somewhat different than the first meditation. After the forty minute meditation we discussed briefly how it had affected us and the conversation became a friendly and significant sharing of our experiences which we all seemed to appreciate.