Approaches to Self-inquiry, July 14, 2019 at KECC
Approaches to Self-Inquiry
Sunday, July 14, 2019
The monthly sessions called “Approaches to Self-inquiry” usually consist of watching a video of a spiritual teacher we feel complements the teachings of J. Krishnamurti but gives a somewhat different angle on the understanding of ourselves. Looking through a different lens may stimulate fresh insights into the nature of consciousness. On this occasion we looked at an interview with Ramesh Balsekar entitled “Who Wants to Know What?” The interviewer was very skillful in asking for clarification of Ramesh’s pointers as he explained how we mistake ourselves to be separate entities with choice and free will when in fact we are the instruments of the totality, the Whole, as it carries out the actions necessary for itself. The process of life and activity is an impersonal happening, according to Ramesh’s perspective. He goes into some detail about this and questions our conventional beliefs about our identity in a penetrating way. Sometimes what he says can seem difficult to follow when one has not come across his way of seeing or his flavour of teaching, but most of the seven participants appeared to experience the material to be of value and were able to find it relevant to their own self-inquiry process. (After the video we engaged in group dialogue and sharing of our impressions.) It was a somewhat out-of-the-ordinary exploration which activated some interesting questions and food for inquiry.