Krishnamurti Study Session, October 20, 2019
Krishnamurti Study Session
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Seven of us were present for this Sunday morning session. The text for our study was the January 26 entry in The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti. The selection is entitled “Creativeness Through Self-Knowledge”. After introducing ourselves (there were a few first-time participants), reading the passage, and sitting silently for a few minutes, participants were invited to express what was significant for them or what questions arose in contemplating K’s pointers. Then we engaged in an open dialogue for the rest of the meeting. We looked into the tendencies to seek a result or an outcome in our self-observation, to look for some kind of security for ourselves. This, says K, is not the understanding of oneself. We inquired into the meaning of “creativeness in self-knowledge” and the statement that authority prevents self understanding. What is really meant by these concepts and in what way are they true or not? It was a lively discussion with moments of spontaneous silence which seemed to bring a balance or wholeness to the experience.