Self Study Meeting, October 18, 2020
Self Study Meeting
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Zoom online
We had sixteen people present for this meeting. The usual format of the group is to start with readings from The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti and to discuss what insights and questions have been awakened by the study of the readings assigned for that specific gathering. Usually participants have spent time at home with the material. In this case the readings were a selection taken from the July 9 – 29 entries in the text, which largely deal with being fully present with suffering and sorrow.
We began with a guided meditation focusing on being aware of the habit of thought to split into an “observer” and that which is observed, a central aspect of Krishnamurti’s teachings and the prescribed readings. The participants silently followed the meditation to a point and then some began to respond verbally to what had been presented. There was a lively engagement with ideas surrounding the duality created by the mind, as well as other aspects of suffering covered by K in the readings. The conversation spontaneously generated itself in such a way that material from the text was hardly mentioned. After two hours of dialogue it was hard to wind down the momentum and bring the session to an end. One could certainly say that the participants were involved and interested in the investigation.