Approaches to Self-Inquiry, August 12, 2018
Approaches to Self-Inquiry
Sunday, August 12
Four of us were present for this Sunday afternoon session in the meditation room of the main house. There were several options in the material to be explored and we settled on a video of Rupert Spira, well-known nondual spiritual teacher, in conversation with two teachers of A Course in Miracles. The teachers wanted to ask Rupert how the vision of the Course compared with his own perspective on key issues related to consciousness, awareness, God, and reality. Rupert was asked to comment on a number of statements from the Course, which he did in his usual precise and detailed manner. There seemed to be agreement on the points discussed.
Our group engaged in a further discussion of some of the issues which seemed most interesting to us and slowly inquired together in a way which brought is to a sense of stillness and peacefulness beyond the activity of thought. There was a feeling of unity and harmony in the group which seemed to be a significant outcome of the dialogue exploring the nature of our experience.