The Art of SEEING
The theme of the event was “The Art of Seeing.” I used a quote from one of K’s early talks in England… “The eagle in its flight does not leave a mark; the scientist does. Inquiring into this question of freedom there must be not only the scientific observation, but also the flight of the eagle that does not leave a mark at all; both are required; there must be both the verbal explanation and the nonverbal perception.” In this “Headless Way” workshop we explored the Freedom that ‘K’ talks about, using both the “Science of the 1st-person,” and nonverbal perception (seeing) through hands-on (head-off) self-enquiry. In the morning, twelve of us where were treated to a live, interactive, Skype session with Richard Lang in the main house where J Krishnamurti held talks when he visited. In the afternoon we investigated whether or not K’s teaching of self-inquiry had similarities with Douglas Harding’s method of “non-verbal” direct enquiry. We watched a short video interview of Alan Rowlands; one of the K’s long time students and founding staff at the Brockwood Park School in England. Alan described how he used Harding’s experiments to “See” clearly who he really, really was and that after this, K’s teachings and those of the great Zen masters began to make complete sense. A video clip of a one-to-one discussion between noted Physicist, David Bohm and K was also shown. After which a group discussion ensued. We then broke into groups of two and explored the face-to no-face experiment using what Douglas refers to as the Science of the First-Person Singular present tense and the tube. A non-verbal, non-wow experiment directing one’s attention 180 degrees back to the Source of Attention. In closing, Shannon guided the group through the “Heaven and Earth” experiment… All of the friends get in a circle facing inwards. A friend gives instructions, along these lines: Put your arms around one another and close in, making the circle as small as you can. Keep looking down at that patch of carpet … surrounded by that ring of headless bodies … Look down into that realm of birth and ageing and death, from this realm of no birth or ageing or death … Look down from this Heaven which, though infinitely high and clear and self-luminous and unchanging, not only embraces but is that earthly scene which is so shallow and limited and ever-changing … Look down from where you are Alone, yet All … From where you are beyond Life and Death, yet are the Source of both …