There were 12 Aware Living Cafe Zoomers, most were repeated, all were greeted,   🙂 The themes from K’s Book of Life were Authority and Self-Knowledge. Each was presented by a selected full page reading and robustly discussed. The fact that authority prevents learning, that “A mind that is acquiring knowledge is never learning” was deeply explored with its ramifications that, indeed, memory is one’s authority and pattern maker that filters and personalizes experience; that one is burdened by the things learned and stored in memory (habit/conditioning) and never free unless and until one directly sees this limitation.
Regarding self-knowledge, we variously explored and deepened real self-knowing, sans the limitations of supposed conceptual and therefore separative knowledge, and the fact that there can be no self-knowledge  without awareness of one’s being in relationships. Indeed,  in reality, there’s perpetual change  and that is a ‘mirror’ for one to see how one actually is responding moment to moment in a relationship. The session went over time, and it was agreed by all that they wanted to continue with the next one in two weeks.
James Waite