Self-inquiry August 23, 2023


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

With Mukesh Gupta

At Esquimalt Gorge Pavilion


Six people attended this meeting at the new Gorge Park Pavilion. It was Mukesh Gupta’s last engagement with the Victoria interested parties before he returns to Europe and India. He will be returning to Victoria again in the future sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada. His last presentation of this trip will be on Sunday at the Metchosin Centre.

This time Mukesh took a slightly different approach to the dialogue by proposing that we explore joy and beauty rather than focusing on the suffering of humanity and the fears at the centre of it. He asked us to share our experiences of joy, how it comes about, and what are its qualities. How is joy created in our daily lives and what are the delights of living? Is our life one of mechanical seriousness or do we take delight in the beauty of nature and the goodness of the human heart? Does the simplicity of children bring us joy and spontaneous happiness? What is it like to find a calmness in ourselves which can bring enjoyment to all activities? Can we be consistent in our self-exploration, with its insights and contact with the inner sense of Being? Does this produce a feeling of freshness and “newness” in us? Can we be aware of what in us is not joy and then can we die to that which causes suffering, as Krishnamurti recommends?

In conclusion Mukesh shared that the softening of the “me” or “ego self” makes room for joy and a merging with the flow of Life and love. The sharing of such energies seemed to be appreciated by the group members, who appeared to have experienced a kind of joy in such an interaction.

Self-inquiry, August 23, 2023


Sunday, August 20, 2023

With Mukesh Gupta

At KECC Metchosin, BC


The nine people who attended this Sunday afternoon meeting were able to take full advantage of the lovely outdoor setting in front of the main house. We sat in a circle with some turned away from the sun and some choosing to face the sun as well as the ocean and mountain views. We spoke of the teachings and philosophy of J. Krishnamurti relative to those of other non-dual “teachers” with whom we were familiar and found the conversation deepening spontaneously as we explored the nature of the (separate) self and its illusions or misunderstandings. If the self is an illusion, in what sense is it so? How does fear and anxiety arise in an illusory self and what are the elements and causes of such fear? The fear of death was broached. Is this fear based on the unreality of a manufactured ego self or identity which is always looking for security and a safe existence?

Some participants felt that it is important not to deny the reality of suffering around death and loss. Somehow these must be acknowledged and dealt with in a direct manner which does not seek to pretend that they are not real and needing to be included in our living. Such questioning of opposing points of view produced a lively examination of attitudes towards our lives and the content of our thoughts and feelings. Can we face the difficult, even brutal, realities of life and pain without dismissing them as mere projections of illusory thought? Some felt that such attention to the real problems of our lives was absolutely essential in approaching our lives honestly and without escape.

It seemed that somehow there was truth in the sharing of questions and insights. The process of attentive inquiring, along with present-moment presence and attention, seemed to be interesting and meaningful in its own way.



Self-inquiry, August 20, 2023


Sunday, August 20, 2023

With Mukesh Gupta

At KECC, Metchosin, BC


The nine people who attended this Sunday afternoon meeting were able to take full advantage of the lovely outdoor setting in front of the main house. We sat in a circle with some turned away from the sun and some choosing to face the sun as well as the ocean and mountain views. We spoke of the teachings and philosophy of J. Krishnamurti relative to those of other non-dual “teachers” with whom we were familiar and found the conversation deepening spontaneously as we explored the nature of the (separate) self and its illusions or misunderstandings. If the self is an illusion, in what sense is it so? How does fear and anxiety arise in an illusory self and what are the elements and causes of such fear? The fear of death was broached. Is this fear based on the unreality of a manufactured ego self or identity which is always looking for security and a safe existence?

Some participants felt that it is important not to deny the reality of suffering around death and loss. Somehow these must be acknowledged and dealt with in a direct manner which does not seek to pretend that they are not real and needing to be included in our living. Such questioning of opposing points of view produced a lively examination of attitudes towards our lives and the content of our thoughts and feelings. Can we face the difficult, even brutal, realities of life and pain without dismissing them as mere projections of illusory thought? Some felt that such attention to the real problems of our lives was absolutely essential in approaching our lives honestly and without escape.

It seemed that somehow there was truth in the sharing of questions and insights. The process of attentive inquiring, along with present-moment presence and attention, seemed to be interesting and meaningful in its own way.



Self-inquiry, August 16, 2023


With Mukesh Gupta

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

At Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion


Ten of us were present for this dialogue meeting in Victoria sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada and guided by our visitor from India, Mukesh Gupta. We began with a silent meditation which was followed by an introduction to the process of self-inquiry and the use of a “dialogue format which encourages learning about our physical and ‘spiritual” nature as we interact within a group. As Mukesh mentioned, this also includes learning about the source of our sorrows and sufferings.

Mukesh proposed a question which might be of value in focusing our attention in a beneficial way: “What is learning?” he asked. Learning usually means memorising facts, adding to our knowledge, and thereby reproducing ourselves, but is there another kind of learning like that which took place in us as children? We then were involved in alert and fresh observation and listening which was non-mechanical. It did not maintain its freshness as we grew older, however. Now we tend to see, hear, and feel through images, indirectly. Is it possible for us to return to a more direct seeing and listening which dissolves the conditioned ways of our thinking?

Are we still learning or have we become stuck in old patterns, blocks, and complacencies? It was suggested that there may be a question of being overly concerned about ourselves, which involves fear and the seeking of pleasure. We took some time to consider the anxiety about the loss of self, which many have to face. One participant shared a personal example of such an experience.

We then explored in some depth the process of labelling our experiences rather than staying with them to see what they reveal. There is a tendency to escape uncomfortable feelings by eating food or by other ways of hiding our feelings. Can this be seen as it takes place? Can there be an “unlearning” which brings us back to the fluidity of life and makes living from love more available?


Self-inquiry with Mukesh Gupta, August 13, 2023


Sunday, August 13 2023

With Mukesh Gupta

Krishnamurti Educational Centre, Metchosin, BC


Nine people were in attendance for this Sunday afternoon meeting at the Esquimalt Gorge park Pavilion. Mukesh Gupta began the session with his usual guided relaxing meditation, followed by an introduction to the self-inquiry process that we usually engage with. He asked us to bring forward any fundamental question that is significant to us in our lives at the present time so that we can look at its challenges, discuss the issues, and learn about ourselves from our investigation as a group. To go deeply into such exploration requires a quality of silence and quietness in our minds, Mukesh said – a deep quality or ground of listening from the heart, not merely from the thinking mind. This involves qualities of love and compassion, including non-judgement of others and ourselves. Each moment is important, not just some future goal or resolution, and we are invited to focus on what is most alive in us and what is existential rather than intellectual.

One question that can open up our exploration is to inquire what brought each of us to this particular meeting, especially if we are new to this type of dialogue within the context of looking at the teachings of J. Krishnamurti. An issue that arose in asking this question was the sense of separateness, with its loneliness and isolation, that almost all of us experience from time to time (or more often). We discussed how our identification as individuals and members of separate groups can both create a sense of fragmentation as well as a feeling of togetherness. Is the feeling of separateness or fragmentation a construct of thought?

We explored the possibility that by observing or watching the way thought creates fragmentation, this could bring about a diminishment of the feeling of separateness and consequently a greater sense of wholeness and harmony between people. An awareness of the mind as well as the body could generate a state of Presence which gives less importance to images and to a focus on the separate self which feels isolated and apart. The possibility of being a “nobody” was raised and given serious attention. The actuality of such a happening was explored but, at the same time, some people seemed to feel that the discussion was becoming too abstract and “intellectual”. It was not clear to what extent this was seen as a limitation in the dialogue, but it seemed that participants had varying degrees of appreciation of the way the group dialogue had unfolded.


Self-inquiry, August 9, 2023

Self-inquiry with Mukesh Gupta

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Esquimalt Gorge Park, Victoria, BC


Only three participants showed up for this Wednesday afternoon meeting at the Gorge Park pavilion in Esquimalt. The session began with a guided meditation, led by David, exploring what happens in the mind when it is faced with a situation where there is nothing to be done other than to simply be present in the moment and to observe the reactions of thought when there is almost nothing going on to fill the emptiness of silent inactivity. How does thought respond to the presence of nothingness? How does it attempt to fill the space experienced when one is intensely aware of the “darkness” or “void” within when one pays attention to what is happening in one’s consciousness when there is no need to be active or productive in any way? Does thought go into a state of resistance to that emptiness or does it come to rest in a profound silence and peacefulness? We found it very interesting to contemplate such possibilities in the group.

We found that judgments would arise at times about our experience and what “should” be taking place in us as opposed to what was actually happening. This then led to a discussion of “what is” and “what should be” and how those opposites were spoken of by J. Krishnamurti in his lifetime. We spoke of some of our readings of K in which he appeared to be critical of people close to him and to justify such criticism, which we found to be sometimes surprising and out of character for such a highly developed human being. We looked at the phenomenon from a few different perspectives and decided that his basic message was to look at and understand oneself above all.

The dialogue was rather an unusual one, but we all seemed to find it interesting and valuable.



Self-inquiry, August 6, 2023


With Mukesh Gupta

Sunday, August 6, 2023

At the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada


Six people in total were present for this Sunday afternoon self-inquiry dialogue at the Metchosin location. One participant was new to what we were doing but quickly seemed to pick up on the kind of questioning and communicating we were making use of in exploring our natures and being aware of or “seeing” our habits and tendencies of thought and conditioning. We began investigating the fact of disharmony in us and what is the cause or source of it. We shared the central importance of learning about our inner conflicts and used the story of Adam and Eve in Paradise to discuss the functioning of “right” and “wrong” in our living. Authority often tells us how we should live and we may follow that direction rather than listening to our own inner essence or intuition. Can we look at the source of our activities and see if it is from our inner truth or from our conditioning?

We explored the source of “seeing”. What is seeing? Is there a formula or solution for clear seeing? We spent a good deal of time exploring such questions. It was pointed out that the identification with the sense of “I” is the source of most of our problems. It involves an investment in the past, in a dead image, and thus creates many conflicts and much disharmony. The dialogue was a lively one which was felt to be insightful and relevant to the pursuit of self-understanding.


Self-inquiry, August 2, 2023


With Mukesh Gupta

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion


Nine people attended this Wednesday afternoon meeting at the Gorge Park Pavilion on Tillicum Road. We began with a short silent meditation followed by a proposal on Mukesh’s part that participants then put forward questions we might probe more deeply as the session progressed. A variety of questions were presented.

– Why is what we do called self-inquiry?

– What is the self?

– Who is doing the inquiry?

– How does the mind condition itself?

– How does love un-condition us?

– Is there a burning question?

– Are these questions really a part of our lives? What is truly alive in us?


We then looked into the issue of being with an uncomfortable feeling or issue vs. escaping from it. What does it mean to “surrender” to the situation or to totally let go? We wondered about the value of others’ suggestions when seeking solutions and it appeared that love can support the process of “blossoming” that Krishnamurti spoke about. Wanting things to be other than they are was given as a major cause of our suffering and the ending of resistance was proposed as more significant than acceptance of the way they are.

It was offered that suffering can be an awakening if we stay with it, but it may lose its power when we forget to question. The “me” is in the habit of continuity of its own survival. Asking the question “Who am I?” is crucial in dismantling the reality given to the “I” or egoic self. It is not a question of stopping anything but more of seeing the action of the thought process operating as the “self”.

The meeting was full of significant questions and insights, which made it refreshingly interesting and valuable as an engagement with the truth of self-inquiry as Krishnamurti expressed it and as we attempt to practise it in our dialogue meetings.


Self-inquiry, July 30, 2023


Sunday, July 30, 2023

With Mukesh Gupta

At KECC, Swanwick Rd., Metchosin, BC


Ten people in total were present for this Sunday afternoon meeting at the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada in Metchosin, BC. Mukesh Gupta, the resident support person, facilitated the session in his usual skillful manner. He began with a silent meditation, then shared some of the basic principles and characteristics of the dialogue format as opposed to an intellectual discussion of concepts and beliefs. There was then a space for participants to bring forward any important question that was on their mind. The first one to share asked about the nature of understanding, which initiated a series of observations on the subject of knowing. How do we know anything? Is normal understanding not a limited conclusion about something, a judgement of good or bad, right vs. wrong, and so on. It is often an assertion of the self and therefore an expression of a kind of arrogance rather than of humility. It was asked if words are always limited. Can anything actually be said about truth or understanding? Are words anything more than pointers and symbols? It was suggested that a certain kind of recognition can accurately represent what is true or false. Is this connected with a curiosity and desire to learn?

Sometimes it is said in “Non-dual” circles that there is only awareness, but this was questioned. Is this a reality for us or just a concept? Can we go beyond hurt and pain? Is there knowing without a knower? Can we give up or surrender the self? What is involved in “letting go”? What does “allowing things to be as they are” actually mean? Can love and hate co-exist? These were some of the questions arising within the dialogue.

Krishnamurti’s style of questioning and discussing was looked at. Was he given the status of an authority or a guru and would that be helpful in our inquiries? One participant commented that K asked if we were really seeing what he was pointing to or did people mainly just accept what he said as the truth?

It was a very interesting session made even more enjoyable due to the sunny weather and the lovely outdoor setting in front of the main house.



Self-inquiry, July 23, 2023

Self-inquiry with Mukesh Gupta

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

Metchosin, BC


There were seven of us present for this afternoon session at the Krishnamurti Educational Educational Centre of Canada in Metchosin, BC. We began with a silent meditation which seemed to take us deeply into an alert and attentive state. The meeting was then opened to any important questions participants might have and one person expressed a desire to explore the qualities of order and disorder. Presumably by understanding the meanings of both words the concepts might become more clearly comprehended. This led into a detailed and in-depth inquiry about the subtleties in their relative meanings, similarities, and differences which gave many of us a deeper understanding of their place in Krishnamurti’s teachings and their possibly misunderstood elements. For Krishnamurti, active self-knowledge – or his version of meditation – seemed to be the basis of understanding oneself, for which the intention to know oneself was the beginning. One must begin by wanting to know oneself and then observing one’s moment – to – moment thoughts and feelings. Many finer points in this process were shared and looked into as we moved through the meeting. As usual, Mukesh guided us skillfully through the communications which sought to uncover ever deeper aspects of the questions that were arising to be explored.