The January 24th UVic Stillness Within “Waking Up” meet up was well attended by nine people.
The topic – waking up – was very provocative we looked at what it means (e.g. spiritual awakening, enlightenment, self-realization, liberation and many other definitions). There was a fulsome discussion of how that happens for people, different spiritual teachers’ experiences, research that’s been done about what peoples’ common subjective experiences appear to be, and we also enjoyed some practical meditative exercises.
The content we looked at included written and recorded work from Salvador Poe, Daryl Bailey, Ella May and Krishnamurti. There was some discussion about the challenge of looking at awakening as something that happens, an event or an experience, when many who have had some kind of enduring revelation seem to indicate that it isn’t an actual change in one’s state, but rather a change in perception or awareness.
For example, Daryl Bailey has asked the question:
“Is an awakening something that happens as a result of having done lots of hard work on ourselves? No, it’s a recognition that we are an expression of something bigger… something we don’t understand with our mind.”
Ella May describes her own seeing as follows:
” In truth nothing has changed, ever. Although it appears that the inner environment has changed, there is no longer an illusion of a thinker or a doer or a have-er. There is just a mind, with thoughts, a body with sensations, awareness and feelings…. These words are words and are pointing to something so free and beautiful it cannot be known, I do not know it…. There is nothing more free than what is, which is simply this.“
We looked at our own paths of seeking, of insight and the falling away of what we thought it meant to be fulfilled. It’s hard to describe what was bubbling quietly within all the words and concepts that were exchanged at the gathering, but it was beautiful – to me, it felt like the face of a more innocent and precious ‘seeing’ was also peering out amidst the diverse thoughts and ideas in the room.
It occurred to me after the event to look in Krishnamurti’s Notebook, as it captures many glimpses into the small moments that speak of a quiet yet profound beauty beyond the sense of self. Krishnamurti was somehow able break through the barrier of words to beautifully express his own sense of awe and love of existence:
Walking in the rain he noted:
“Everything was being washed clean, the past and the present, there was no time, no future. Every step was timeless, and thought, a thing of time, stopped; it could not go further or go back, it had no existence. And every drop of that furious rain was the river, the sea and the un-melting snow. There was total, complete emptiness and in it were creation, love and death, not separate. You had to watch your step, the busses passed almost touching you.”
We’ll be looking more closely at Krishnamurti’s Notebook at the February meetup so come out and join us on February 26th (see the KECC calendar for details).
Thanks to KECC for hosting this meetup and for all those who came and shared their experiences.
Living in Presence, March 15, 2020
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauLiving in Presence
March 15, 2020,
This was the first meeting in a new series of offerings at the Krishnamurti Centre in Metchosin featuring questions and answers with Eckhart Tolle, whose teaching he considers to be an expression of the same “teaching stream” as that of J. Krishnamurti. The meeting was attended by six participants including the two facilitators. As an introduction a movie was shown of Eckhart reading from Krishnamurti’s Notebook and making comments on what K is pointing to in the selected passages. Eckhart chose a number of nature descriptions and shared his deep appreciation for the quality of the awareness and attention displayed in K’s descriptions, a quality Eckhart calls “presence”.
After the viewing Ralph mentioned that Eckhart did not encourage discussion of such material afterwards as it could easily become conceptual and abstract. The group quietly disbanded, enjoyed some snacks provided by Luis, and headed out for a walk on the property or back to Victoria.
Krishnamurti Study Session, March 15, 2020
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauKrishnamurti Study Session
March 15, 2020
This Sunday morning session was attended by a total of five people. The text for study was the February 9 entry in The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti entitled “What We Believe”. In this entry K questions the need for belief in the pursuit of self-knowledge. Is belief of any kind necessary in order to have a consistent drive and passion for self-exploration? Or is there some other energy that is not part of the mind’s projections about reality but comes from a deeper source?
After reading the passage and having some moments of silence, the participants shared their impressions of what K says, which then turned into a spontaneous inquiry into the habitual structures of the self and its attachments to the known and the security apparently offered by thought. The conversation was perhaps pushed by the very energy referred to by Krishnamurti that arises from beyond thought and wants to “know” the truth of ourselves and this life. It produced a sense in the participants of having entered a different space or dimension which was an expression of authenticity of being and could perhaps even be called “love” or, less romantically, a sense of unity. All participants seemed to partake of the same feeling and realization.
Exploring Awareness, March 8, 2020
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauExploring Awareness
Sunday, March 8, 2020
This Sunday morning session was attended by five people. It opened with a guided meditation led by David and inviting a full presence and awareness of whatever is present in the moment. Awareness without naming or creating a division between the observer and the observed was explored, bringing about a deeper silence in the mind. There was some interesting discussion of the experience afterward.
The first meditation had a flavour of Krishnamurti’s way of approaching awareness and self observation. We then listened to a second guided meditation by Adyashanti exploring the nature of the self. He pointed in several ways to the fact that when we look for a self we cannot find it and that what we are is not a thing and is indescribable. Participants found the guidance very much to the point and useful.
Krishnamurti’s Noteboook: UVic Stillness Within Meetup – February 26th
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauThe February UVic meet-up brought eight of us together for quietness and ponderous readings from Krishnamurti’s Notebook. This was new material for almost everyone in the group and the absolute poetic beauty of K’s day-to-day observations had a reverberating affect within many of us.
We reflected on Krishnamurti’s intimate descriptions of his moments in a quiet grove of trees – in stark contrast to his arrival back in populated city describing his sense of violence within the built hubbub of humanity. We were struck by his seeming merging or love within each expression. With each new passage, we enjoyed a very provocative exploration. For example, what did he mean when describing shifts into a state of ‘benediction’… ? was it grace? purity? centreless divinity?
In one passage, K. offered view of meditation that takes us beyond our mats and temples…
We considered our own moments of unencumbered awe with the world around us – and seeming surrender – minus a surrender. It was a fabulous dip into the eyes and heart of Krishnamurti; I think we all felt lighter moving off into our ordinary yet extraordinary moments.
Thanks to KECC for supporting these meet-ups!
Krishnamurti Study Session, March 1, 2020
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauKrishnamurti Study Session
Sunday, March 1, 2020
For the March 1 study session there were four in attendance. The text for study was The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti. In David’s absence Laurie facilitated the group and sent in the following report.
“We read and discussed the February 7 entry, “When there is Love, Self is Not” and February 8, “Understanding What Is”.
We discussed what K meant by love, reality, truth, what is, and the many ways that the self is built through beliefs, knowledge, experiences, memory, etc. We questioned what it would be to have no belief and nowhere to escape or land, psychologically. Discussion also arose around why there is a self and its uses and function. Would this self be different in another time period or culture?
“There was a rich conversation around the freedom and relaxing that happens when we stay with what is, the fact of any moment without description or moving away from what’s here now. We dug into the meaning of acceptance. We also compared mankind to the ant colony metaphorically and relatively. And we had a discussion around the ways that we try to defend and protect ourselves and the result. We had a meditation before and after and discussed meditation.
“It was a rich study session.”
Krishnamurti Study Session February 16, 2020
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauKrishnamurti Study Session
Sunday, February 16, 2020
I, David, was absent for this session. Bill Brown stood in for me and here is his brief report on the group’s reading of the February 6 entry in The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti. Three people were present for the meeting.
“We discussed K’s use of the word “evil “ and we came to the conclusion that what he meant was SELF is “evil“ – all self, spiritual or otherwise – because behind self there’s a Doer. No matter their intentions they will cause harm to others. That’s what I remember about our discussion.”
UVic Stillness Within Meet-up: “Waking Up”
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauThe January 24th UVic Stillness Within “Waking Up” meet up was well attended by nine people.
The topic – waking up – was very provocative we looked at what it means (e.g. spiritual awakening, enlightenment, self-realization, liberation and many other definitions). There was a fulsome discussion of how that happens for people, different spiritual teachers’ experiences, research that’s been done about what peoples’ common subjective experiences appear to be, and we also enjoyed some practical meditative exercises.
The content we looked at included written and recorded work from Salvador Poe, Daryl Bailey, Ella May and Krishnamurti. There was some discussion about the challenge of looking at awakening as something that happens, an event or an experience, when many who have had some kind of enduring revelation seem to indicate that it isn’t an actual change in one’s state, but rather a change in perception or awareness.
For example, Daryl Bailey has asked the question:
Ella May describes her own seeing as follows:
We looked at our own paths of seeking, of insight and the falling away of what we thought it meant to be fulfilled. It’s hard to describe what was bubbling quietly within all the words and concepts that were exchanged at the gathering, but it was beautiful – to me, it felt like the face of a more innocent and precious ‘seeing’ was also peering out amidst the diverse thoughts and ideas in the room.
It occurred to me after the event to look in Krishnamurti’s Notebook, as it captures many glimpses into the small moments that speak of a quiet yet profound beauty beyond the sense of self. Krishnamurti was somehow able break through the barrier of words to beautifully express his own sense of awe and love of existence:
Walking in the rain he noted:
We’ll be looking more closely at Krishnamurti’s Notebook at the February meetup so come out and join us on February 26th (see the KECC calendar for details).
Thanks to KECC for hosting this meetup and for all those who came and shared their experiences.
Krishnamurti Study Session, February 2, 2020
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauKrishnamurti Study Session
February 2, 2020
These study sessions focus on The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti. In David’s absence the study session was led by Laurie. Here is her report.
“There were six of us at the reading group today. Three of the people were on their first visit to the center. We read the February 4 meditation titled “Opportunities for Self-Expansion”. It was a rich discussion as we went around the room and shared our understanding, questions and experiences on the self and it’s many ways of dividing and separating from each other and within. We also touched on desire and the nature of being with what is.
We briefly discussed the February 5 entry “beyond all experiencing”. We went into a discussion of the definition of self and Self. We sat with the question: is it possible for the self not to experience?”
Krishnamurti Study Session, January 19, 2002
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauKrishnamurti Study Session
Sunday, January 19, 2020
There were three of us in attendance for this Sunday morning meeting to study The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti. Our selection was the February 3 entry entitled “Can the Crude Mind Become Sensitive?” It was suggested by David at the beginning that this entry expressed a very significant aspect of Krishnamurti’s approach to self-observation and transformation. He clearly points out in this passage that observing oneself without any attempt to become something different actually transforms what is. Any trying to become the ideal is only a creation of a different egoic self and not a transformation. Being fully present with, and aware of, what we are is what brings about real change. The small group explored these pointers in some depth, including questioning what he really means when he speaks of “crudity” and “stupidity” in this context. The words took on a meaning other than the conventional understanding one might have of those terms. The inquiry was well enjoyed and went on long past the official end time for the session.
Approaches to Self-Inquiry, January 12, 2020
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauApproaches to Self-Inquiry
Sunday, January 12, 2020
There were five participants present for this Sunday afternoon meeting at the Krishnamurti Centre in Metchosin. We watched a video presentation by JC Tefft entitled “Consciousness: The Last Frontier”, the first in a series of three video presentations by the same author. The presentation was about fifty minutes in length and covered some of the scientific theories about the creation of our universe as well as the mysteries of how anything came to be. It was an interesting exploration of the known, the unknown, and the coexistence of the two in the human experience. Tefft questioned what might be beyond thought and pointed to the truth that is beyond all concept and description and which can never be understood as an object of knowledge. That which is aware of all objects can never be grasped by thought.
After the video we engaged in a group dialogue exploring the relevance of the subject matter in our lives and to what degree it was useful. There was an appreciation of the questions raised and the spirit of inquiry stimulated. It was mentioned that Krishnamurti encourages a deep questioning of all concepts and beliefs and that freedom may exist in such questioning of the formulations of thought as they attempt to explain and describe the movements of Life. It was a lively discussion and seemed to be enjoyed by the inquirers.