Krishnamurti Study Group

  Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, December 3, 2016   The four who seem to be the core members of the group met to study Chapter 21 in The First and Last Freedom by J. Krishnamurti. The title of the chapter is “Power and Realization”. K asks what will bring about a fundamental change in our consciousness and suggests that it is “everyday watchfulness, being aware from moment to moment of our motives, the conscious as well as the unconscious.” This awareness has the power to transform “what is” when the division between the observer and the observed is seen and dissolved, bringing about a state of “creative emptiness” in the mind. There was some excellent discussion of the ideas presented in the text, including the issue of doing and non-doing. Can the mind, or thought, actually do anything to bring about real change in the psyche or is it a question of seeing clearly that thought can do nothing? This and other questions were explored to some depth. Next session we will look into the Questions and Answers section of the book, beginning at #3, “Why Spiritual Teachers?”

Scott Kiloby Retreat

Five Day Retreat with Scott Kiloby “Embodying Awakening” November 25-30, 2016.   We were fortunate to have Scott join us for the third year running, this time for a five day intensive retreat exploring his Living Inquiries method of self inquiry. Scott is the founder of the Kiloby Centre for treatment of addictions in Palm Springs, California. Twenty people were in attendance for the retreat, which began on a Friday evening with a talk on the topic of “Awakening and Embodiment.” Scott made a distinction between a “head awakening” and a “body awakening”, which involves being in touch with what is going on in the heart and the belly without moving away from it. Other talks throughout the retreat focused on describing his inquiry methods, some of which were new since his last visit, how to “own” our emotions, readiness, the need to learn skills for working with our conditioning, contractions in the body, the challenges of the embodiment process, trauma and how to work with it, and addiction. Interspersed were plenty of sessions working with the inquiries experientially and practicing them so we could do them on our own after leaving the retreat. An assistant was available for private sessions if desired. All the work was supported by the basic practice of resting in and as awareness, which involves recognizing that awareness is our essential nature. From there we can observe everything that arises in and as awareness without taking on the belief that we are those phenomena, without identifying with the thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Scott mentioned that his work is in essence very similar to that of J. Krishnamurti, and participants familiar with Krishnamurti’s teachings experienced the Living Inquiries to be an effective way of applying K’s teachings in a very specific and practical manner.  Other activities over the five days included plenty of Q and A opportunities, two Krishnamurti videos, time for self-reflection, walks, and sharing at meal times. Spontaneous conversations took place in the unstructured periods, mostly in the evenings. Meals were provided by nearby Pearson College. By the end of the retreat there was a strong sense of unity and affection amongst the group members – a direct result of the honesty and authenticity of the sharing and working with the sometimes difficult issues of our human experience. It was an opportunity much appreciated and valued by all the participants. Scott will be returning at about the same time next year to continue with the exploration of awareness and its embodiment into all aspects of our life experience.

Stillness Within – November 12th Meetup – Eckhart Tolle on Our Human Destiny

  Eckhart Tolle – Our Human Destiny   The November Stillness Within Meetup was well attended by 14 members.  Due to a technical glitch we watched a rebroadcast of a talk called Our Human Destiny.  As usual it was an exceptional talk.   Eckhart emphasized the illusory nature of our reality and all the daily dramas there within, suggesting that our sleep states provide a valuable pointer to our awake journey toward deeper realization.  He likens the dream state to that of our awake life, if lived from a place of ‘unconsciousness’.  This unconsciousness is based in identification with thought as well as a long held egoic identity (our ideas about who we are + our unconscious programming).  That conceptual identity is experienced, much like in a dream, through dramas that are appearing.  We can observe this sense of self:  reacting, asserting, defending and even feeling reinforced or ‘fed’ by these dramas… The trials and tribulations are almost as satisfying to the egoic self as the triumphs!   He proposes that there is a ‘power’ within us that we can discover when we realize that we are actually ‘no-thing’ – there is a new sense that can be discovered that there is no one ‘here’…    For many of us, this can be a startling suggestion.  Eckhart shares his experience that the individualized personal self, egoic identity, once it becomes less ‘dense’ or even seen through, is replaced by an open sense of spaciousness.  And the sense of self can shift to a sense of simply being: an expression of pure existence/oneness/consciousness/creation.  He isn’t the only teacher to suggest that one can live primarily from that spaciousness (rather than as the personal self), although the personality can still make appearances.   Looking to Krishnamurti’s teachings (“The First and Last Freedom”), there are some strong parallels in teachings.  K. Talks about the self both in terms of the mind and also ideas within the mind, bringing in a suggestion of quiet awareness/observation:   “When you recognize that every movement of the mind is merely a form of strengthening the self, when you observe it, see it, when you’re completely aware of it in action … then you will see that the mind, being utterly still, has no power of creating.  Whatever the mind creates is in a circle, within the field of the self…”   Similarly K. suggests: “Only when one can go beyond the bundle of ideas – which is the me, which is the mind… only when one can go beyond that, once thought is completely silent, is there a state of experiencing. Then one shall know what truth is.”   Eckhart emphasizes that the natural state of humans is one of connection to our essential beingness and that state brings a sense of fundamental wellbeing (whereas the suffering, anxiety, fear etc. is linked to the state of separation). He also offers a sense of possibility… describing the self as being like a ripple in the ocean.  The freedom comes when the ripple sees the larger view… realizing the rippleness in the ocean and the oceanness in the ripple.  It can be discovered that the egoic sense of self is purely an illusory identity, and in fact, that the ocean (spaciousness/the infinity of existence) is the truth of who we are.  Resting in that allows something quite wonderful (and indescribable) to pour through, sometimes called the transcendent state.  This is really key to not only the end of personal suffering, but also (he speculates) could be a spark igniting a much broader expression of our collective human destiny.  

Krishnamurti Study Group

  Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, November 5, 2016   Four of our core group met to study chapter 20 in The First and Last Freedom by J. Krishnamurti. The topic was “Time and Transformation”. K goes into depth investigating whether transformation can come about within a time-oriented strategy to bring it about. Do we change by projecting an ideal and attempting to conform to that idea, or is an immediate seeing of what we actually are, without any ideal at all, what is required? We went into the issue in quite some detail and it seemed that some significant insights were awakened. We reached the end of the chapter and will begin chapter 21, “Power and Realization”, at our next meeting.

Inquiry Sunday

  Inquiry Sunday November 6, 2016   Sunday was a full day of “inquiry”, with morning and afternoon sessions bringing out a good number of participants. Eight of us watched three videos on the subject of “the holographic universe,” beginning with an interview between Jeffrey Mishlove and Michael Talbot, author of the book The Holographic Universe. It is an excellent discussion which sheds light on recent studies on the nature of the observer and the observed, a popular subject with David Bohm and J. Krishnamurti, as well as other concepts scientists are exploring which have correlations with nondual spiritual insights concerning the “oneness” of all reality. Two other videos exploring the same domain were helpful in making sometimes difficult scientific concepts more accessible to the average person. One of the speakers, Professor Susskind, did acknowledge that it might take quite a lot of education for most people to grasp some of the complexities. For the afternoon session, the co-authors of two interesting books, Blowing Zen and The Shadow that Seeks the Sun, were present to talk about their spiritual adventures in India. Ray and Dianne Brooks conducted the gathering in front of fourteen others with humour and wisdom as they spoke of their experiences with teachers in Rishikesh and of the truths of nondual understanding which bring seeking and suffering to an end. Ray’s long-time interest in Krishnamurti, and his meeting with K in Ojai, California, were significant contributors to his own realization. Dianne read some passages from the second book which pointed to the essence of what he learned and now lives in his daily life. Questions were fielded and there was some interesting discussion amongst the group on the topic of fear and conflict. It was an afternoon apparently enjoyed by all present.

Eckhart Tolle – Enlightened Relationships Part 2

October’s Stillness Within Meetup featured a recorded talk by Eckhart Tolle which focused on the challenges and opportunities emerging from our relationships with others.   Eckhart explored how more and more people are beginning to experience a shift from an egoic, thought-based identity to the realization of what Eckhart calls the essential Being nature.  The talk provided a practical look at how this emerging awareness impacts relationships, as well as the steps to welcome the vertical dimension of space and stillness as the source of true connection and harmonious relationships.   The group found the topic a rich one for discussion, and members noted that it is often through our closest relationships that we can be presented with the parts of ’emotional body’ that are constricted or where accumulated pain or trauma has become entrenched.  When these are noticed, we can, with a gentle curiosity, examine them without judgement.  Often, simply the detached noticing will result in a shift in the momentum of an emotion (helping us to shift from unconsciousness to consciousness).  Partners can even support one another by asking the simple question:  I see there is a strong reaction happening – is it possible that your pain body has been triggered?   Krishnamurti also recognises the value of relationships in helping us to shed past conditioning, but the real opportunity falls back to us to inquire within if we are to find true freedom:  “Self-awareness is to know one’s self, one’s attachments, one’s loneliness, one’s sense of isolation and all that, to know the totality of oneself”. And….”it is possible to know oneself completely, then we can approach the world and ourselves as a whole”. Third Public Talk at Brockwood Park September, 1979   The six who took part in the session stayed for a more informal visit over tea as well.  Thanks again to the KECC for supporting these valued gatherings.   Hosted on October 8, 2016  

Science and Nonduality Weekend

  Science and Nonduality Weekend October 21-23, 2016   Eight people attended the various presentations available from this year’s conference in San Jose, California. There were no major technical problems and the weekend unfolded in a relaxed manner, with most of the six participants who took in the entire weekend attending almost all the events. There were a mixture of pure scientists and pure non-dual presenters, with others somewhere in between. Subjects included an opening talk by Rupert Spira on “The Nature of Consciousness,”, followed over the weekend by Heart Intelligence, Christianity and Unknowing, Inherited Family Trauma, The Spiritual Dimension of Trauma, Being a Self, Mind-Body Mechanics, The Qualitative Science of the Heart, Is the Soul Obsolete?, Mongolian Shamanic Trance, Emotional Sentience, Science and Spirituality, The Freedom of Nothing to Grasp, along with an excellent video presentation by Ken Wilber entitled “The Edge of the Unknown in the Human Being.” Some entertaining humour was inserted with Swami Beyondananda, and some traditional satsang with Francis Lucille. There were four panel discussions over the weekend. We added videos of David Bohm in conversation with David Suzuki, an interview with Michael Talbot, author of The Holographic Universe, and a video of the same name. We also played an audio clip of David Bohm speaking on the nature of thought and its tendency to deceive itself. Highlights for the writer were Kabir Helminski (The Qualitative Science of the Heart), Swami Beyondananda, Francis Lucille, Joan Tollifson, and particularly Ken Wilber, who was obviously suffering from a debilitating disease. There was far more material than can be described in this report. Overall, there seemed to be a fairly good integration of the scientific perspective with the “spiritual” one, and many presentations were inspiring, but sometimes the scientific language was all but incomprehensible to the majority of us who took part in the live streamed event. All participants reported that they enjoyed the weekend very much and found it to speak to some of their real interests.

Krishnamurti Study Group

  Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, October 15,2016        This session we studied Chapter 20 in The First and Last Freedom by J. Krishnamurti. The topic was “Time and Transformation”. Four of us gathered on a windy Fall day to read and discuss K’s words about the nature of chronological and psychological time. Is there any time at all other than the time we measure by the clock for practical purposes? Is time created by thought, without which it actually doesn’t exist? How do we get caught in the idea of time, with all the conflict it creates in our lives? These and other questions were raised and explored in a way that generated an authentic looking and inquiring. The sharing of insights and questions felt like it had a meaning and value, and the meeting was enjoyed by all. We will continue with the rest of the chapter at our next gathering.

Victoria Krishnamurti Event

  Victoria Krishnamurti Event Church of Truth, October 9, 2016   On Thanksgiving Sunday only one person joined me for the afternoon event. We read a handout from Freedom from the Known, then watched a video on Awareness from the Evelyn Blau series Beyond Myth and Tradition. Krishnamurti spoke about awareness, concentration, and attention, emphasizing the kind of attention that arises with a deep interest in looking at oneself without evaluation or judgment. That attention has no subject who is attending and no boundary or limitation. Looking with this kind of attention is to enter a state of non-division and moment to moment transformation. After discussing the handout and video material and taking a short tea break, we watched a clip of Rupert Spira answering a question about depression. He suggested the questioner become interested in the awareness which is perceiving the depression. Inquiring into the nature of awareness increases the sense of our unlimited nature and gradually starves the energy of depression – or any other emotional conflict. There was some valuable discussion of the Spira clip. Even though the turnout was minimal, the session was appreciated and felt to be very helpful.

Inquiry Sunday at the Centre

  Inquiry Sunday October 2, 2016   The Inquiry Sunday is comprised of a morning and an afternoon session. Seven people attended the morning showing of the film The Holographic Universe, which describes the latest findings of quantum physics in relation to the question of how reality is perceived and understood by the human brain. Many of the ideas are difficult to fully grasp as they are so contrary to all we have been taught, but examining the concepts presented certainly seemed to open our minds to new possibilities in the way we look at our experience. There can be a kind of deconstruction of our conditioned beliefs about the self and the world. It was definitely an interesting and even challenging exposure to ideas which question and transcend our conventional thinking. For the afternoon session we had the pleasure of listening to a short reading of a paper by a professor from the University of the Philippines in Manilla. Arturo was a visitor at the Centre for several weeks and had been joining in with the Center programs while he was here. On this occasion, he opened the meeting with a paper on the essence of Krishnamurti’s teachings, including the “deconstruction” of the self and of our use of words and language. It was a helpful entry point into our group discussion and the dialogue was found very useful and enjoyable by the six people attending. We were able to sit outdoors and be inspired by the lovely property in our experience of inquiry.