Krishnamurti Study Group

Krishnamurti Study Group

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

Our selection for study this session was from The First and Last Freedom by J. Krishnamurti, Q & A #7 “On Suffering”. The reading and discussion focused on a number of issues such as the difference between pain and suffering and the nature of suffering itself. The emphasis was on exploring psychological suffering rather than just physical pain. Is it the resistance to an experience that is responsible for the experience of suffering? Is the identification with thought and the limited mind the significant factor? Is the true nature of the mind limited or unlimited? We looked into the possibility of a spaciousness arising in the mind which can contain whatever is arising in our experience and be the ground for the flowering of love. The eight participants were fully engaged in the looking and listening, the sharing of questions and insights, and the felt sense of something beyond the limited mind.