Eckhart Tolle: Satisfaction, Suffering and Source of Being (Stillness Within Meetup)

The Stillness Within Meetup enjoyed another in the series of talks given by Eckhart Tolle during a recent Australian retreat. There were a number of themes: People really enjoyed Eckhart’s description of his experience with differing expressions of stillness (he shared that sometimes it is more in the foreground and then at times in the background when performing certain tasks) The theme of seeking satisfaction was a focus for much of the talk. He emphasised the value of not needing circumstances to be a certain way in order to feel at peace – i.e. there is a direct relationship between suffering and our expectations of the world around us – as well strategies that might help ET also described how awareness of our deeper beingness can become a path toward a natural dissolving of the egoic self… with presence and acceptance of each moment fully Ultimately, he expressed his understanding that what remains is free of the individualized self and instead, we can come to know our true identity as the flowing source of all existence Krishnamurti provides an added perspective that seems to resonate closely with Eckhart’s message: “Silence comes when thought has understood its own beginning, the nature of itself, how all thought is never free but always old. To see all this, to see the movement of every thought, to understand it, to be aware of it, is to come to that silence which is meditation, in which the ‘observer’ never is”  J. Krishnamurti Ten of us enjoyed the video and discussion afterward. Thanks to KECC for hosting us this month.