Awareness in Daily Life retreat vancouver island bc

Awareness in Daily Life

A weekend retreat of Contemplation and Meditation
Date:  January 27-29, 2017

This weekend retreat, offered by David Bruneau and Lynne Walker, is primarily one of contemplation and meditation. The aim is to slow down the movement of life, taking time to be present and nurtured, as we look and question, reflecting on common themes of daily life both inwardly and in dialogue.

There will be guided meditations, silent meditation, personal time to enjoy the natural environment of the Centre, wholesome vegetarian meals, readings and short talks on self inquiry.

We will highlight particular ways of looking by watching four Krishnamurti half-hour videos on Conflict, Change, Relationship and Freedom. These will seed our dialogue time together. Outside of these dialogues most of the weekend will respect the need for silence to support inwardness.

David and Lynne together have decades of experience with various forms of self inquiry, dialogue in groups and the themes of Krishnamurti’s  teaching/

As a New Year’s special offer, rates for this weekend retreat are deeply discounted. Day commuters are also welcome.


Shared accommodation (double occupancy) with meals:
Regular rate:   $200                  Early bird rate*:  $170

Private accommodation with meals:
Regular rate:   $250                  Early bird rate*:  $220

Day Commuter – with meals:
Regular rate:   $100                  Early bird rate*:    $80

Day Commuter – without meals:
Regular rate:     $50                  Early bird rate*:    $30

* valid up to 20 days before the event

Extend your weekend with a personal retreat for up to 3 nights for a discounted rate of only $40 per night.

Extend your stay (this is separate transaction - complete group retreat booking first)

Awareness in Daily Life: Number of nights (1-3)