An online workshop with Hillary Rodrigues
Aug 27-29, 2021 (Fri – Sun: 10 am PT / 1 pm ET)


Self-inquiry is a key prescription by modern and ancient teachers for attaining nondual realization. However, what is meant by self-inquiry is not always clear to the seeker of such realization. In this workshop, we shall tackle the notions of “self,” “inquiry,” and “nonduality,” using select quotations as our springboard.


Friday: We shall reflect upon classical pointers from the ancient Upanishads and the Indian philosopher Shankara, to more recent teachers such as Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, and Papaji.

Saturday: We shall turn to contemporary teachers, such as Mooji, Rupert Spira, Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle, and others.

Sunday: In this session, we shall explore similarities and differences between the teachings of J. Krishnamurti and the aforementioned teachings.


The spirit behind our inquiry is not to argue or illustrate how one teacher or teachings is superior to the other, but to observe the movement of our own thoughts and feelings, in relationship to the ideas/words we encounter and the “truth” to which they point. As such, all sessions are “meditative” opportunities for self-inquiry and realization.


The Facilitator:

Hillary Rodrigues is a professor of Eastern religious traditions at the University of Lethbridge. His wide-ranging research includes writings on world religions, Asian philosophies, theory and method in the study of religion, and Hindu goddesses. He has published books and articles and given invited presentations on Krishnamurti’s teachings in Europe, Canada, the United States, Mexico, and India.

He is the author of  Krishnamurti’s Insight, Hinduism – the eBook, as well as of a digital resource for teaching world religions.




Note:  This is not an academic workshop, but an opportunity to inquire deeply into key issues in a personal and holistic way with others.

Each 90 minute long Zoom meeting includes a talk by Hillary, and reflective discussion with Q&A on some key quotations.
Registered participants will receive a Zoom invitation before the start of the retreat.

Retreat Fee:  $60 CAD (Canadian Dollars)




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