Flowing Peacefully on the River of Change

A workshop with GP Walsh 
March 24-26, 2023 (Fri – Sun 10 am PT/ 1 pm ET / 19:00 CET)


Things are always changing… if you haven’t noticed.  And these days things change at a dizzying rate, faster actually than anyone can keep up with.

And when we try to keep up we get anxious, stressed, worried and, as a result less productive, less creative and, worst of all, less present in our lives for ourselves, for our loved ones and for the world at large.

Change is the very nature of life, so it is useless to try to change that but we can change how we react to it.

So what is the way in which we can meet the world as it is?

Just like the heart in our chest, the in and out of the air in our lungs, the pulsing waves of light that carry the’s sun energy and even deliver the words you are reading right now on this screen, the universe is a constant state of change.

It is all the pulsing of cosmic opposites… the great dance of the universe: night and day, success and failure, growth and attrition, joy and grief.

Our path to happiness is not to try to change any of that but to come into a place of deep, LOVING AWARENESS of this cosmic dance, something that isn’t changing but is witnessing all the change.  In so doing we begin to embrace it and flow peacefully down this river of change until the river reaches its ultimate destination, the Infinite Ocean of Oneness.

Krishnamurti, Christ, Buddha, Ramana, Mohammed, Lao Tsu have pointed us to that place within that dwells in eternal peace of stillness as the rive of life flows on. They also pointed to your own personal river, the unique wonder and importance of your individual life, a tributary of the great River of All Life.

Join us as we will dip our toes into this river and maybe even go for a swim, embracing life as it is is and being at peace with whatever may come.

About GP:

GP is a spiritual teacher full of wit, compassion and humor. He has a unique way of making the most subtle and oftentimes difficult spiritual teaching and making them easy to grasp, easy to apply and fun to learn. From Zen to Advaita, to Sufi and Christian Mysticism and modern psychology and neurology, his wealth of knowledge can reach and touch any sincere seeker for truth.

He is the author of “The Tao of Allowing”, “End Suffering ~ Be Happy”, “From Delusion to Awakening” as well as countless online programs and workshops. He has over 600 videos on YouTube and does a weekly live-streamed satsang every Sunday at 2pm (Eastern time) a video show every Tuesday at noon (Eastern) and regular live meditations on his YouTube channel.


Fee:  $100 CAD (Canadian Dollars)


Three 90 minute Zoom meetings

Recordings will be made available for registrants.



The Power of Loving Awareness

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