An online workshop with Jackie McInley
March 20-24, 2024 (Wed – Sun:  10 am  PT/ 1 pm ET/ 19:00 CET)


Is there a completely new way to inquire? Is there a very different way of communicating with each other in dialogue?
Can we shift out of the exchange of conditioned psychological assumptions and conclusions which is usually influencing our communication with one another?
Can I look at my well worn perceptions – what I think of others and myself, my ideas and opinions – so that I am directly aware of everything that is shaping what I see?
Is it possible to observe the very movement of the mind as it is thinking, feeling and responding to others in the group? Can this observation be alert and fully present? Or do I observe proceedings in the dialogue as I am used to doing so; which means from my comfort zone?
Do I see the quality of my own listening as I give attention to my friends in the dialogue? If I don’t, then can I be honest about that and begin observing the barriers to this attention with a fresh energy? Can a completely new observation of the old me come into operation?


To understand the mind you cannot interpret it according to somebody else’s idea, but you must observe how your own total mind works. When you know the whole process of it, how it reasons, its desires, motives, ambitions, pursuits, its envy, greed and fear; then the mind can go beyond itself, and when it does there is the discovery of something totally new.


The Facilitator:

Jackie McInley founded and ran an independent Krishnamurti centre called Open Door in Southern France from 2004 until 2013 – hosting monthly inquiry weekends and annual international gatherings in French and English. She organized an experimental David Bohm bi-monthly dialogue meeting for 4 years in a local market town, and later a Krishnamurti dialogue group in the city of Toulouse.

A former self-employed, foreign language and theatre teacher by profession (schools, higher education and business), she now organises and facilitates inquiry events, gatherings and retreats in a variety of countries and cultures around the world. She also visits, facilitates dialogues and gives talks in the Krishnamurti Foundations, centres & schools in USA, UK and India.

Jackie does not follow any particular spiritual teaching but is deeply interested in the investigative talks & dialogues of J.Krishnamurti as a mirror and friend to her own constant inner inquiry.  See also her website: https://open-door-worldwide.com


Five  2 hour long sessions.


Recordings will be available for anyone unable to attend a session.


Fee:  $100 CAD



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