Exploring Awareness at KECC, Sept. 2, 2018

Exploring Awareness
September 2, 2018

Five of us were in attendance for this Sunday afternoon of guided meditations which aimed to deliver an experiential, direct knowing of the nature of awareness and our essential being. The weather allowed us to sit outside under the fruit trees. The session began with David guiding us through an “Inner Body” meditation derived from Eckhart Tolle’s teachings. We brought attention to the aliveness in the body and then further explored the nature of this Presence, the sense of Being, and the awareness of it. Is the sense of Presence limited or bounded? Is Awareness itself located in any position?
We took a twenty-minute walk on the property, observing nature without attaching to labels and concepts. Can we see the “essence” or beingness of a tree or a flower? The walk was followed by a CD featuring Mooji inviting us to pay attention to our sense of Being and its qualities. Appreciation of what is, that which is here without effort or thought, was a central aspect of the half-hour meditation. We ended with a period of silence, some sharing of our experience, and further inquiry. Participants expressed an enjoyment and a positive value in the experience.