Exploring Awareness, January 6, 2019

Exploring Awareness
January 6, 2019
Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

This afternoon session was attended by nine people. The purpose of these “Exploring Awareness” meetings is to invite an experiential understanding or direct experience of what the “choiceless awareness” spoken of by J. Krishnamurti actually is, and thereby to help activate the kind of transformation in consciousness that he felt necessary in our lives. We make use of guided meditations from various sources as well as creating our own explorations and inquiries. In this case we listened to a New Year’s day guided meditation offered by self-inquiry teacher Mooji, a video which lasted about eighty minutes. The guided meditation seemed to have a powerful effect in producing a deep and silent space of observation in the group. Some discussion and questions then arose and the conversation branched out in some unexpected ways. Participants were very engaged and seemed reluctant to end the session, so it went on for quite some time. The selection for the meditation was apparently felt to be of relevance and value.