Exploring Ourselves, August 7, 2022

Exploring Ourselves

With Jackie McInley

August 7, 2022

Zoom Online


This Sunday morning meeting, facilitated online by Jackie, was attended by fifteen people in all. We picked up the thread of the previous meeting from two weeks before and entered a discussion of how to best conduct the dialogues. It can be challenging to generate an effective way of inquiring and asking questions. And there is also the issue of responding to the questions in a way that supports the inquiry and best invites insight and a deepening of the sharing and sense of “looking together” that Krishnamurti strongly recommends. The dialogue moved into an investigation of various ideas about promoting an experience of “shared meaning” spoken of by David Bohm in relation to the process. The idea of finding connection within a group was brought in and along with it the question as to what exactly it means to be “connected” in such an endeavour. With what are we connected and how can it be described? The inquiry seemed to get quite complicated. It seemed that some participants, as often happens in such discussions, felt the need to keep bringing forward the difficulties involved with the activity of thought whereas others were more interested in simply engaging awareness as the natural catalyst for freedom from the problems generated by thought. Some participants felt that there was an expanded listening developing during the dialogue, whereas others may not have seen the process so positively. There often seems to be quite a mixture of experiences amongst the group. One possibly useful question was asked at the end of the session: “What is aware of the image-making process that is so central to the movement of thought?”

The exploration of ourselves will continue on August 21.