Krishnamurti and David Bohm in Dialogue

Krishnamurti and Bohm Dialogue in Audio
Sunday, September 29, 2019

A long-time student of Krishnamurti’s teachings, John Raica from Vancouver, is visiting the Krishnamurti Educational Centre in Metchosin, BC for a month or two. During that time he will be transcribing twelve dialogues that took place in 1975 between K and David Bohm, renowned physicist. The conversations were recorded on CDs and three of them were published in book form titled Reality, Actuality, and Truth (or perhaps Truth and Actuality?) We thought it would be interesting to share the audio of the first dialogue with interested people and to discuss the material. Seven of us were present for the meeting. The dialogue lasted about 1 ¼ hours and was of fairly clear quality. Most of the exploration between the two men was into the distinction between thought-created reality and the energy of truth. Knowledge, the product of thought, cannot reach to truth, but the very seeing that reality cannot be truth is truth. The energy of truth can comprehend reality; reality then can run straight and the contradictions of thought can be informed by insight and therefore be “sane”.
The group engaged in a lively dialogue of our own after listening to the CD, exploring some of the points made and ranging into other aspects of Krishnamurti’s teachings. It was an enjoyable and educational afternoon and we thank John and Ralph for promoting the event.