Krishnamurti Study Session, April 5, 2020
Krishnamurti Study Session
April 5, 2020
This was our first online version of the K Study Group. Ten of us were in attendance via the Zoom app to explore the February 11 entry in The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti. The selection was entitled “Beyond Belief”. K points out that we seek beliefs and dogmas to explain our sorrowful life and to cover up the fear of the unknown. These beliefs only shore up a sense of a separate self, which produces further suffering and denies freedom. It is only in freedom, K says, that we can find what is true.
We explored our responses to the reading and an active investigation of the ideas took place. There were a few technical difficulties while learning the ropes with the Zoom application, but generally the meeting went smoothly and everyone seemed to appreciate the opportunity to connect and explore together. The online meetings are expected to continue at least until the current unusual Coronavirus situation changes.