Krishnamurti Study Session, February 3, 2018

Krishnamurti Study Session
Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Four of us gathered to explore Q & A chapter 24 in The First and Last Freedom entitled “On Time”. The questioner had asked K, “Can the past dissolve all at once or does it invariably need time?” In his response K goes into the fact that we are the products of the past and are conditioned to think and act from the background of the past, which inevitably means our responses to life are partial and incomplete. He explores the issue of analysing our activities in a never ending attempt to understand ourselves and bring about a change. The analyser is not different than that which he analyses and therefore cannot by analysis create any real change. This must be seen clearly.
The group found a great deal to probe into and moved through only half the chapter, with some interesting dialogue engaging our attention. A number of issues related to the text material seemed to invite us to branch out in our inquiry so that there was a sense of some richness and breadth to it. A good afternoon of looking and listening.