Krishnamurti Study Session, November 18, 2018

Krishnamurti Study Session
Sunday, November 18, 2018
At Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

Seven people were present for this week’s study group. We explored Chapter 36 in the Q & A section of J. Krishnamurti’s The First and Last Freedom: “On the Meaning of Life”. The questioner asks of K, “We live but we do not know why. To so many of us, life seems to have no meaning. Can you tell us the meaning and purpose of our living?” K responds by asking why this question is being asked and by going into the probable reasons in some detail. Essentially, because our lives feel empty, we seek a deeper meaning. The person who lives a rich inner life does not ask what is the meaning or purpose of life. He is content. Because we do not love, we search for meaning. K challenges us to find out what love is and to live from that truth.
The group engaged with the issues raised in the text and had an interesting dialogue and sharing which penetrated to subtle levels of the activity of thought in its’ avoidance of the facts of impermanence and “emptiness”. It was a mature group of explorers able to consider deeper aspects of human consciousness in it’s contemplation of meaning and purpose, love and conflict.