Krishnamurti Study Session, Sunday, October 21, 2018

Krishnamurti Study Session, October 21, 2108
Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

Three participants were in attendance for this Sunday morning session at the Centre in Metchosin. The chapter of study was the Q & A section entitled “On Triviality”. The question posed to Krishnamurti was, “With what should the mind be occupied?” In response K states that conflict is brought into being when we focus on what should be rather than what is. As soon as we establish an ideal we start struggling and our minds become occupied with trivialities—ambition, envy, gossip and cruelty. Since the mind itself is based on memory and time, its very nature is trivial and self-centered. The way to transform the mind is to understand how it works and recognize its activities. In this process of becoming aware of the mind, it becomes quiet. Out of that quietness a creative state arises that facilitates transformation.
The group shared how the world appears to rob us of time and reduce our minds to only trivial matters. Our lives are then lived like we’re moving on a hamster wheel and the faster we run the more trivial and crazy it all gets. We talked about our experiences of a quiet mind and how the silence generated in this state becomes the foundation of a creative life.