Realizing Presence with JC Tefft, October 25 – 27, 2024

Realizing Presence
3 Day Workshop with JC Tefft
October 25 – 27, 2024
Sponsored by KECC
Online Event 


Ten people showed up for this three-day workshop with JC Tefft sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada. JC began with some introductory remarks about what he would be covering in the three one-and-a-half hour sessions held online.   

JC invited us to join in, as we inquired together into the essential, underlying nature of:    

  • The material universe and the intelligence of Light that governs material expression.   
  • The functionality and limitations of the human mind that not only cultivates what has become a deeply rooted problem in humankind, but also veils the living truth of the ‘I Am-ness’ of conscious Being.     
  • What Krishnamurti called the truth of ‘What Is’ when understood in the context of pure presence, pure awareness, and non-dual reality.   


Referencing Krishnamurti’s teachings throughout, JC shared testimony and insights into the nature of the illusion of separateness created by Mind, along with the nature of awakenings that serve to unveil the truth of What Is, as evermore clarity comes to light in the eternally present Now.