Self-inquiry, August 25, 2024


August  25, 2024 

With David Bruneau 

At the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada 

Metchosin, BC 


Six of us were present for this dialogue for which, thanks to sunny weather with almost no wind, we were able to meet on the front lawn with the gorgeous views of the ocean and the mountains. As we sat for the beginning of the session a white cloud formed over the ocean and the trees near William Head prison, lending an atmosphere of mystery to the scene. David had been asked to facilitate the meeting and he began with a guided meditation focusing on the idea of “total attention without effort” which Krishnamurti had often mentioned in his talks. In this case total attention included awareness of the sounds of nature such as the songs of birds and the occasional voices of humans in the distance. Then there were the sensations in our bodies, including any tensions, to be noticed. Being attentive  to any such feelings and the accompanying thoughts that arose provided a field of awareness within which insights might arise into the workings of the body-mind and the creation of the individual and group realities that were being experienced, including any conflicts that were being noticed in the consciousness of the participants as we sat in silent observation of the movements of the world around us and the worlds within. It was later shared by some of the group that they had noticed a certain richness of experience as attention was given to being present and aware. We also entered into an inquiry concerning the presence of the conflicts noticed and their nature, which added an extra layer of interest to the dialogue. The various participants all made valuable contributions to the conversation and we were all sad to say goodbye to a couple of them who would be returning to their somewhat distant homes before our next meeting at the Krishnamurti Centre.