Self-inquiry, July 16, 2023


With Mukesh Gupta

July 16, 2023

Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada


Nine of us were in attendance at this outdoor Sunday meeting at the Swanwick Road location of KECC in Metchosin. Our communication was made sometimes difficult by occasional gusts of wind and yet the benefits of sitting outdoors on a lovely day made up for the difficulty in hearing each other. Mukesh began the session with a short guided meditation which suggested we notice and slow down our breathing and pay attention to body sensations and external sounds like the wind, letting thoughts flower and dissolve by themselves. He then spoke briefly about the difference between inquiry and discussion or debate which do not support transformation in a deep way. The floor was then opened to any burning questions that might be active for participants in the present moment.

After some time of silent sitting, one group member asked if it would have any value to share life situations or problems and to explore such issues in greater detail. It was acknowledged that such inquiry could be useful and potentially significant and Mukesh asked if we are satisfied with our lives as they are or, alternatively, are we deeply interested in some kind of radical change. This led participants to share a number of issues that seemed well worth exploring more fully. The experience of restlessness was brought forward along with discontent and boredom. The question was asked, “What is blocking our inner freedom and creating a sense of contraction, limitation, and the desire to be loved?” We looked into the contrast of dissatisfaction felt by the “self” or “ego” and the joy of pure Being and the sense of expansiveness and spaciousness felt when the self is transcended or falls away at least temporarily. The necessity of self-knowledge and of regular attention to the activities of thought and the “self” was explored in some depth until it seemed we had reached a natural ending of our dialogue for the present time. It felt like the time had been well spent.