Self-inquiry, July 5, 2023


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

With Mukesh Gupta

Esquimalt Gorge Pavilion, Victoria,


Six people attended this Wednesday afternoon meeting at the new Gorge Pavilion. It seems that recently the same or similar issues regularly come up for our group investigation. The central challenge seems to be the difficulty for the thinking mind in coming to a state of rest or quietness. Participants described how in various ways their minds are obsessed with keeping themselves occupied by watching TV, movies, the news, competitive sports, and so on, all of which leave a mark on the consciousness. It is difficult to restrict ourselves from engaging in these activities, but most of us seem to be compelled to avoid a feeling of emptiness within, a loneliness or fear of missing out (FOMO), This often produces a sensation of rushing to get things done.

The avoidance of “the void” can often create a sense of superficiality in one’s life, a constant escaping from the reality of the present moment. On the other hand, staying with the inner emptiness brings about a greater authenticity and a deeper sense of awareness of one’s inner psychology along with a greater ability to allow for gaps in the continuity of thought.

Mukesh asked each one of us to describe what brings a greater awareness into our lives. There were a variety of responses, all very interesting. A few participants mentioned that it is important to observe carefully whatever is happening in our thinking, especially when we are faced with a crisis of some kind. It was also said to be important to see that thought is limited and cannot solve our important problems.